Tag Archives: my singing monsters

Rare cybop joins MSM

The torrent of rare monsters is unstoppable! This weekend we’re welcoming the rare cybop monster to My Singing Monsters. As always, breeding the rare version of any monster is done exactly the same way as with the regular monsters. In this case, you should try mixing a tweedle and a noggin. Buying the rare cybop monster from the market is just 40 diamonds, so if you’re low on luck and packed with diamonds, this is the way to get it.

The rare cybop is available on:

…and can be put on Gold Island like all other monsters.

Happy breeding!

Welcome back Yool monster!


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This is how the yool egg looks like

It’s December, and yet again, the Yool seasonal monster is available to breed or buy. The breeding combination is the same as last year; deedge and thumpies – and only on Cold Island. The Yool is available until January 5, 2015, so you have plenty of time to get it. Have fun breeding!

Buying the Yool from the market is ‘just’ 150 diamonds.

Did you know…
The name of the monster, Yool, is how you pronounce ‘Christmas‘ in Danish, Norwegian and Swedish (We spell it ‘Jul‘)


Rare entbrat available Thanksgiving 2014

The latest rare monster is available during Thanksgiving weekend 2014. This time the rare monster is the entbrat. The rare entbrat is available to buy or breed on Plant Island. Breeding the rare entbrat is done the same way as with the regular entbrat – mix monsters to get all four elements. If you need breeding combinations, take a look at my breeding page for the entbrat or read on.
Buying the rare entbrat on Plant Island is “just” 200 diamonds (so get breeding now).

If you want to breed the rare entbrat, try these combinations:

  • Shrubb and maw
  • Oaktopus and drumpler
  • Furcorn and fwog
  • Clamble and toe jammer
  • Bowgart and noggin
  • T-Rox and potbelly
  • Pummel and mammott


My Plant Island after getting a couple of rare entbrats:


Rare spunge is here!

Sorry for the late update, but you should still be able to breed the latest rare monster – the rare spunge – for a few more hours. The spunge is the 8th monster to have a rare relative. The breeding combination for the rare spunge is – as always – the same as the regular spunge. You can get the rare spunge monster at Cold Island or Water Island.


Try one of these combinations to breed the rare spunge:

You can also buy the rare spunge in the market – 65 diamonds each.

Have fun!

Rare pompom now available

It’s time for the 6th rare monster to arrive in My Singing Monsters. This weekend it’s the pompom that’s available to buy or breed. The breeding combination for the rare pompom is the same as the regular pompom.

The rare pompom lives on Air Island, Earth Island and Shugabush Island.

Have fun breeding.

Rare fwog available this weekend

It’s weekend and time for a new rare monster to arrive. This weekend, the rare FWOG is available to breed or buy.


The combination for breeding the rare fwog is similar to the regular fwog, so try mixing a toe jammer with a noggin… If you don’t want to breed it, you can buy it for 40 diamonds.


The rare fwog lives on the same islands as the regular fwog: Plant Island, Air Island and Water Island.

Happy breeding! 😉