Looking for friends for My Singing Monsters? This is my list of My Singing Monsters friend codes. If you want to add your friend code, leave a comment below, and I’ll add it as soon as possible. If you post your My Singing Monsters friend code on twitter, remember to include the hashtag #MSMfriend. I’m also on Facebook as MSMfan.
Remember to pick up your 5 free diamonds
Join the MSM Fan Network! Register now and meet other MSM fans, get your own profile page (with your friend code).
Friend codes for My Singing Monsters:
- 4658462EC
- 6611032EE
- 6091620IM
- 4640486GC
- 6801230JI
- 5182911JD
- 6790145HN
- 6279533KL
- 3560763KF
- 6439258NA
- 3278896JG
- 3234825ED
- 7292036MM
- 4806642HE
- 9065722HE
- 9245594DR
- 1344838IG
- 8646976GI
- 9549661FB
- 9267489CH
- 8912565NJ
- 9318885JB
- 9615034DI
- 9794801DB
- 9747617BN
- 5112433DJ
- 6232312II
- 6443559EF
- 10075877MH
- 9815014IK
- 10670841KD
- 91422303LH
- 9629634JA
- 10232332HG
- 10997538KK
- 10967662AK
- 10892807AB
- 9056381DN
- 6507645NJ
- 6426813GL
- 7203533ML
- 11162861BF
- 11033836MI
- 10997538KK
- 8079642EC
- 10997538KK
- 10648854KK
- 11477040IE
- 11146190GK
- 10635101ML
- 11185984LG
- 10905701JB
- 11047322KK
- 7949658DM
- 9784307DL
- 10847547MJ
- 9704739KB
- 11214944BK
Thank you for NOT REPOSTING this list 🙂
Last edited on April 8, 2014
Thank you!
867659DI plz add lvl 20 was in the top 15 not any more always lights wishing torches
11230769dj is my code
Light my torches and I light urs
Hi guys, our friend codes are 25236631HH 25238238KC please add me I’ll always light your torches if you light mine!
Added you
Hi everybody! Add me! I will light your torches and like your islands!
My code is: 23784081MD
it says no user found
Did you try I or L as the last letter?
I light torches SEVERAL times daily (probably because me and my son are addicted to it! That and I just like to help fellow Monster addicts!). Occasionally on weekends I light torches less due to my daughter’s softball tournaments, but I still find time to get them lit about twice a day!
My friend code is:
I’m also on Facebook just look up Christina Treich and send me a friend request
19545783CN i light torches every day and am on constantly 🙂 add me
Hey guys =) Feel free to add me, will always light torches =)
My code : 35697543HH
who are you trying to get julia
It says thereis no userwiththat friend code
23473188LC add me!!! Let’s light torches!!!
28554834da add me I light torches daily
witch user?
witch friend code?!
I’m pretty new– Only level 14, one island in use, around a million coins– but I love this game, and I’m on it all the time. I believe I’d be a reliable torch re-lighter. Re-torch lighter? Light re torcher? What? Anyway, if anyone is interested in adding, my bootiful, bootiful code is 15561268GI.
Added you!
My friend code. Is; 29222804EI
Once again, my friend code is 29222804EI
PLZ friend me bc I need fifty people or more.
Oh, yea. How do you get the Wishing Torches or whatever they are?
Please friend me, and I will light your torches!
Add me 12425253IL
Hi CrookedlyBent, I’m the same as you are, but less than 1,000,000 coins. I’ll give you friend code as soon as possible
Please add me I light torches! Join my tribe 21753572ke monsterville
Hey! Add me! 35890935CF
I’ve added you… please add me – 41205426FM
Hallo there,
please add my code: 17165437fb
Don`t forget to light my torches! I will also light yours.
Add me please! 19661400mm
are u still there
Please add me! 19795478JM
I will light your torches. 20669925LF. Thanks
Please add me 20666125HJ
Add me 12425253IL
+ Breeze you have to buy them for 10,000 coins each at level 12 or so
Hi, add me and I’ll light your torches. Please light mine too. Let’s get all the seasonal monsters together 🙂 Friend code 27106299MF
Hey add me…I lite all torches daily…my ID
ok i will add you but dont have my tablit charged very often so dont expect me to light your torches.
User not found
Hi guys, our friend codes are 25236631HH 25238238KC please add me I’ll always light your torches if you light mine!
I tried and the code didn’t work
What code didn’t work? We have more than 1,000 working friend codes, so I hope you can find a couple of working ones around 😉 What system do
My BBB Id : 12875362lm.
Please Add 14272961HF
Please add 15463973AH please. Thank you.
If i add u as my friend can u give a cheat that u can give so i can by monsters for free
24487423CB I light torches every single day!
please add me I need 50 friends my friend code is: 16047981NN
Thx a whole lot!
Good luck 😉
i did
My friend code is 23303457BB I like all islands and light torches plz add me
I would light your torches if I knew how…. How?
We light torches also & like islands
Plz add us
How do I update won’t let me visit friends
Did u click on the top tab?A pic of a star or Torches, A-Z, Lvl? Try another tab. My friend code: 24378445ah
Ô meu código de amigos é (34337836GE
Add me at 16337534fm
Plz add me 1745864CE
Please add me
I like and light torches daily!
this game rocks add me 16158759BL please.
Just added you and lit a torch Water Island. I also ‘like’ and light torches daily. Plz add me 16238722LM
No referral code button PLEASE help my # is 14517209EH
The code button is located under the options
14630866AG I’ll light your torch and like all your islands!!
Remember to like my island and I will like yours
It would make my day if you’ll add me too. It’s 19144874DA. Cheers man! I’m very active.
Ok my friend code is 17758156CM
join my tribe my friend code is:28796526HM
I’ve used the referral code thing before but now it’s not there
You can only use the referral code once.
thank you for all the friend codes and breeding combinations you give us! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
You can only submit once and then it goes away.
I still need my 5 diamonds. My friend code is: 15804798NI. Thank you!
i need 25 friends please add me 22980011GN
and whoever made this site u r awesome
Thank you 🙂
your welcome
22311522DI is mine and I’m very active
Thanks for a wonderful blog! So much wonderful info for MSN. Please list my friend number. I badly need torch lighters AND likers. It is…..20896104HG. Thanks so much. I light and like daily!
I really need it
You can add me 28451544EI
Please add me! I light torches daily and “like” islands!
please add 25236332KI
23473188LC add me!!! Friends light friends torches xD
Add me 12425253IL
Add my code please, daily player, will light torches, join my tribe, I’m high level, thanks 26471826jm
Hi Luke, I just added you. I am not to sure how to get someone to add me, My code is 32346455DL. Is it because I am too new??
my code is 31972596FG
Join our tribal island we will be getting cousins to join and more people so far it’s just two and we get 4 diamonds a week. 11035710Ba is my friend code and out tribe is ‘Emma’
Hi, add me and I’ll light your torches. Please light mine too. Let’s get all the seasonal monsters together. Also looking for tribes 🙂 Friend code 27106299MF
I have a tride if you join
7095273BF Is my friend code. Please join my tribe, and light my torches, and I will light yours. (Level 18) thx!
34241441HF helping light torches 😀
Hello! My friend code is 16172749DN
I give thee the code to theys land 33665233EH
Add me 39053084KA
for what?
for what???
My friends code is 16698333EL
Please add me. Could you please tell me why I don’ t a submit referral button under the options?
Because you already used up the code recently.Wait another month.
I don’t have one either
Lights torches daily. Please return the favor.
No problem
my friend code is…11624769HB
Max lvl 7090472JC
My friend code:
C. Strydonck my msm # 9237625BN AND THANK YOU
Add me friend code/referral code please 12796957HN
My bbb id is # 11765052hg.
I light torches and like islands daily!
I added you but was wondering what your username was so I could do you the favor and like your islands because you promised to like mine so what is your username please tell. Mine is doughnut bagel.
My user name iz Clerwo
How do I add you? Where do I out this code?
Hi everyone! My friend code is 11845764EA. Add me and I will light torches every time I am able. Love this game! 🙂
Add for add I like islands for return and light tourches 13147331FL
Add me ! 5456377DF
Katididit9. I lite and like daily. Please like and lite me, too! My friend code is 8668554GK.
Add me please….anyone. if you need a torch lit, you’ve found the right lighter. I am currently trying to breed a ghazt. My problem: i have 0/10 torches lit. If u light a torch of mine, i will light one of yours. BTW i don’t have that many rare monsters or anything.
Add PLEASE I light torches don’t have referral button
Patrick james i like to add u az my frieend
For a Ghazt breed an Entbrat and a T-Rox
Or a Entbrat with a Bogart
Or a Enbrat with a Clamble
Or a Entbrat with a Pummel
I got mine first try with the Entbrat and the T-Rox good luck
hi can u help me please i want to make an entbrat but having no luck thnx:)
My code is 39056318DA SO PLZ CONTRIBUTE
I light and like daily
Please add me
please add 13982886LE
Hi…I’m new to the game and check in several times a day! Light lots of torches..please add me so I can light you back! 11061470LA thank you much
Level 23. I light torches.
What does not exist?
i have tried several of these codes and they don’t work 🙁
If you play on facebook, only codes starting with 5 will work. Almost all the codes here are for the mobile version.
Well sorry to say anointedart5 but u never lit mine at all but i lit yours so i deleted u
Thx anointedart5 i see youve been lighting my torches and i added u again by make mistake lol
Add me. I light!!!!
I am maxed lvl! Add me and you wont regret it !!!! 4890302kc
my friend code is 10955131KN. please friend me. i like and light.please!!!!!!!!!!!!
My friend code is 14537368JK I like and light everyday as well.
Let’s light up together.
4890302kc like plant and earth island please
Hey you game player if you read this note that be say that you are seeing the best island you see it will boom your mine my code is 10583183CB this you great friends and My Muppets show great stage Mario2495!!!
New to the game but LOVE IT! Please add me I will light torches daily 😀
Friend code 15077785DB
Thank u.x
Thank you for adding 😉
Add me please: 15652557lj
Thx mine is 13270642NA
13423173el. Add me I light touches daily.
I like and light torches daily!
this game rocks add me 16158759BL please.
Please add me, need friends I’ll help out and upvote/light torches all day!
I’m on several times a day, and my son loves to help me light torches and like islands (usually every one you have!). Please add me. 15610173BN
I just love this game and erupting above it
Hallo from Germany,
please add my code: 17165437fb
Don`t forget to light my torches! I will also light yours.
Betail alie nowthe anurfelly
My code is 17400539MB
17641039ef like/lite every day :-}
Add me =)
Please add me. I light torches every day.
Please please please add me I light torches daily 17781860HG
I have your friend Code .
Add me 😀
Anyone please add me and like my islands 18739761dn
Add me everyone 17414201ih
I light every ones torches every day so feel free to add me 😀 7786895IJ
Mine Is 6699972LK
please Refer to my code
mine is 18878551HD. Please Add!
How do I add you? Where do I enter this code in my singing monsters?
You get one free lit torch, after that yours only get lit if you’re actively lighting mine otherwise you get removed with no reciprocation from you over a few days time.
Add Me!! =D 20522304NG
Thank you!
Hey everyone! I’m gonna try and add all of you here. I’m constantly checking my monsters as we all are! My current favorite is Furcorn, he’s so cute and soulful! LOL. Anyway, please add me: 20167089FN
If you light my torches, I’ll return the favor, if you don’t, I’ll still light them anyways! Here’s to more rare monsters! Thank you! 🙂
17293768 II
We play daily n light all torches!
You help – me help! ♡;-)
Thank you.
I light torches add me 15874633dn
21081913 add me please, will light torches.
Do u have letters at end of friend code ? Every one else does… I light torches! 243 784 45ah
My code is 19755727KN
Please add 21361127KJ
My code: 20249379kf
I light torches and like islands everyday
21067373HN PLEASE & THANKS 😛
Please add me 28454424NG
Please add me 28454424NG THANKS
Add friend code 13295835LH
Please add me as a friend my code is 199580ja
My friends code is 20982967GN
Great idea, I like daily and light torches throughout the day.
5002599BH Thank you! =^.^=
mine is 22727266Li
Hourly Lighting Torches and Likes ^^ Reference my code plz
Pls add my friend code 🙂 18699733LF
Your islands are awesome WOW should be #1
Fantastic singing monsters!!!!! Please add me ive lit a torch for you but can only light one…17605774CC
21154419LD, let’s light up them touch’s! <",/
Here’s my code code: 20976526ac and my friends: 20965268ci. Thanks!!
Add me please ;). 16418352BK
Here’s my brother code 2345679AF HE lights all torches and likes all islands plz add him so he leaves me alone
18868943EB also add 18955288CI we are both on multiple times a day and light!
Add me please 21514443dd
I light torches & like islands daily , add me: 24373039IN
Jillian here. Daily lighter n liker! 25085738AK
Hi guys, our friend codes are 25236631HH and 25238238KC please add us we’ll always light your torches if you light ours!
2478361EK I light torches daily!
Please add me; 25946142AG
24053493nb add me! :). I light ALL TORCHES every day
Please add me. I light torches every day – 24820899IN
Hey Guyz Friend Me my code is 27361785FF I light torches daily also plz light my torch
Add me as a friend! 28201608EE
Also go to options and put in the same code 28201608EE under submit referral for free diamonds
Added you
23473188LC add me!!! Let’s light torches!!!
3489 8855 CN
Please add! Thanks so much!!
27700725HF. AD ME!
Mine’s 29363659GF. Add me through referral. To refer:
1. Go to Options.
2. Click on Submit Referral.
3. Enter my code!! Get 5 free diamonds!!
*tip* You can only refer someone once, then the icon goes away. So you’re not going crazy!!
I will put you in my friend code.☆☆☆
My code is 25878131BD
27314844nc always lighting torches!
I light all friends’ torches daily!
Add me plz my friend code is….31341082DM Thanks😉😎
I’m on everyday and i light all my friends torches. ADD ME!! xD
Friend Code: 30720288LC
My friend come is 31677851IB
30050984LG and 31960260AM
My frend code 25175094NA
29127936BG…I will light you up every day!! Thx!!
I light torches everyday and like the islands I think are cool.
Also, if you’d like to jam together, join my tribe! We have a good mix of new players and players with more resources.
New to MSM…32181192EE
Please add me: 32992991GF
I just started a few weeks ago and already have a Shuga Bush. I can’t seem to breed an Entbrat though. Here’s my code…33510672NK. I’m on this game almost every hour I’m awake.I like islands and light torches.s
Entbrat is quite hard to get if you don’t have any lit torches. I think the success rate is ~10%, so keep trying. Good luck and keep on breeding 😉
Hi, I’m a fairly new player but me and my kids are sort of addicted. Please add us as a friend or submit a referral for free diamonds. Our code is 33430888EE. I lights torches several times a day.
Added, others can add me using…
Hey people of the world, my friend code is 29912085GH, I light torches and am on a lot of the time, and every time I visit I like an island! Please add me!
Please Add my Code:
I will light your torch DAILY
Add me 33923228IM
Add me 36318828ia and let’s turm our torches on.
We play daily. Light for light. THX.
Please add me: 37142809fj
34899117ML Please add me and join my tribe (Rockville) thanks!
Add me please 3491252EM
Please light my torches. I light other players torches daily and “like” other players page (EVERY SINGLE DAY and NIGHT!)! Thanks and kissing all the way from Miami, FL!
My Friend Code is 38305293LN
Please add me 36920296GA
(Since I can’t find how to comment I’ll just do it here? ) mine is 38891104AA!
New player…any friend adds greatly appreciated. 39325889CL
Lighting torches daily 39716813LF
My friend code is 37732691AF
Since I play without buying with real money, I would love to have more torches lit in order to get more rares and ethereal monsters!
My friend code is 38862661JN 🙂
mi código es 34107456NG
38942878JI – daily active, light torch and like your island(s)
As of January/February 2016 mine is 2878840HK
My code is 4130085BA
no user was found with that code. check you’ve typed it right. x
Please join my tribe any level welcome. I am at level 55 now, lets build a strong tribe!! 40616121CH
Plz can you add me my friend code is 41914034DE
pls add me! 17986471LD
Hi 🙂
Lets lit up the fire!
42064584Gi and 41700543if
41330326BI (uppercase i)
Mine is 41055384MI
no user was found with that code. check ya typed it right hun. xx
Could someone add my daughter she really tries hard on this game but needs some likes to her islands!thankyou her friend. Code is 41508949MD
Hey guys! Add please. LvL 17, always lighting torches. 43223910Ji
I’ll like you island I’d you do mine and I’ll light ur torches
I light torches, send keys, and like.
67385490KC. Please add me 🙂 🎼
Thank you!
Code #9245594DR
Thank you!
Do you light tourchs?
If you’re asking me (@MSMfan) – the short answer is no. The long answer is, that I have +6,500 friends, so I can no longer login on Android nor iPhone/iPad 🙁 Loading the game on a mobile device takes more than an hour (if successful), so I’m desperately looking for alternative ways to play MSM (using my “real” account). Sorry, but still trying 🙂 Keep adding each other and have a great time playing My Singing Monsters!
no user was found with that code. check ya typed it right hun. x
1344838IG #MSMfriend
Thank you!
Hi Josaiah B.
Thank you very much. Your code is on the list in minutes. Remember to follow @msmfan on twitter for up to date info, tips and tricks.
Add that code as a friend code under “Invite Friends” and I will like your islands and light your torches on a regular basis.
my code is and I am willing to like and lite on a regular basis and I am going to improve my island soon
I am sorry my friend code is 9267489ch
thank you
Ok my torches are behind the giant entrbat
Hello I’m trying out the voice thing and so far it’s alright now I’m going to try to put a period. Period. Period. It go I should eat. It got I should not eat this thing is going crazy . Period. Period this thing is awesome know go go it keeps saying go and know and I mean no I mean you know no I mean sure go I had to type this out because the recording is going crazy
Hi Everyone, I am a retired (disabled) grandmother who has all the time in the world since sitting is my only activity. I just discovered MSM’s last week and am totally hooked. I have plenty of time to light as many torches as is possible in a single day since I play from the time I get up (appx 7 a.m.) until I go to bed (appx 10:30 p.m.).
I just learned about the friends code. Please add me and if you provide yours, I will add you (unless if by your adding me, all is done and I don’t have to also add you in order to light your torches). I have plenty of time to light torches while I wait for my next round of collecting coins.
Here is mine. 9318885JB
P.S. I added all the codes listed above and have lit all the torches the game would allow me to light. 😀
THANK YOU for scrolling down this far!
Thank you very much for adding your code and lighting torches! If you know other people playing My Singing Monsters, tell them to go here and add their codes 🙂
My msm# 12120904LG
MINES IS 9132868MM
Hi I’m Cierra Yuhas my friend code is 12398414FA
my name is cathy 15157693ln
From one grammy to another. I am addicted to this game. I started to play with my son. He doesn’t like me getting ahead of him. Lol. I play off and on all day too. I too lit torches.
Please add me as a friend 15154710GC
I will add you and light torches for you if you light torches for me
Damn this addictive game.
Mines 9615034DI
Thanks for your comment and code. Hope you breed a schmoochle before it’s too late 🙂
Will trade torch lighting favors.
Thank you 🙂
5112433DJ – have lots of friends, but always light one more torch each day than I have out on my own islands…. Please add me.
I light torches every day, so if you want to be my friend than light my torches to. Thanks! Annie
10075877MH please add me. Thank!
Mine 9815014IK
I am fairly new to the game. My friend code is 10670841KD
Hope you enjoy playing MSM 🙂
Hello! This is my friend code: 91422303LH, and I love ligth torches
Add me 9629634JA
Grano tuo guys so much, i am improving so much on my Islands so much
Light my torch to all of those who are my friends please, I am lighing them today
Hey all, I am addicted to this game!! My friend code is 10232332HG, please add me!! Thank you
Thanks I added you!
Thank you 🙂
Friend me 10967662Ak
10892807ab need torch help will also light them thanks.
Add me I light your torches and like your islands for free 9056381dn
Add me please! 13352524EM
my friend code is
My Friend Code Is 6426813GL Would Appreciate Any Adds
Hey guys my friend code is: 9701657KH
I love this game and will light many torches and if you can, please return the favor.
I play this game daily! As long as you light my torches I will do the same for you! Friend Code is: 7203533ML (Gamertag: Thatdude42028)
Please add me as well as my daughter. We both play
Me – 11162861bf
My daughter – 11033836mi
Hi all. I have been visiting daily to light torches. Please light mine and add me. 10997538KK. Thanks!
Thank you very much! Hopefully they are real 🙂
That was awesome it helped me out ALOT!
Please add me to your list of Friends! : 8079642EC
Cellogirl11 I added you!Hey anyone who sees this could you please friend me and light my torches? i go through my friends daily and light torches and rate site! Thank you so much!
Newly addicted to this game! Please add me – 10648854KK. I play daily and will do what I can to help! Thanks
Newly addicted to this game! Please add me – 10648854KK. I play daily and will do what I can to help! Thanks 🙂
Please add me: Friend code: 11477040IE
Please light my torches. I light other players torches daily! Thanks!
Please add me 11047322kk
Thank you before guys
Haven’t been playing long, but I do play daily. My friend code is 7949658DM. Thanks!
My code: 10847547MJ
Thank you all, kisses from Brazil!
My code: 9704739KB
Thanks 🙂
My code is – 11214944BK
11035710BA also light my torches and referal code me
my plant and cold island are the best
that’s a letter “I” followed by an “H” at the end
Thank you!
Please add me. 11780045NJ
Please use my friend code 9891502EC
Thank you everyone
11771662HA add please!
please add me 11893606ec
2992434KC like my plant island plz.
Oh this game is tremendously addictive! 11725211HL. Thank you All!
This is my friends friend code
Please add me 3871961NB
I just added the entire fiend list and lit everyone’s thorches
10347296IE. Light torches daily!!!
My friend code is 9772721AH
Please add me and I will light your torches and I will light yours. Thanks!
By the way, I haven’t added everyone yet on the list but I added some of you.
Did you remember to wtite your friend code?
Sorry, you already added your code. My bad 🙂
I’m at 11644877AD and I always light my friends torches!
11816056AA I light torches!
please add me my code is 11858464AI
Please add me 12065589FJ
I play daily & will light torches! I will also like your island! My code is10648854KK. Please like my islands
Max lol 7090472JC
Max lvl
I have the monster bug…
11109953KL and 10765115IJ
Add me 2118288HC for awesometacular islands!! Likes for likes and lights for lights
add me 8062520FC and light each others torches
Please Add Mee… 2620695LH
7440244KA I will light your fire =)
Thank you
Please add me 12148791MJ
I will light you up
10364778KC thanks for lighting my torches
Please add me 162832711WD
My friend code is 11253429NN
Type this if you want to be my friend
This game should come with its own 12-step program.
I can’t stop playing!
Please add me:
This game should come with its own 12-step program.
I can’t stop playing!
Please add me:
i lite every day please lite mine to 11336011JL
11990177BF not long been playing, but loving the game! love looking at others islands.
Hi! I light torches on the daily I have 56 friends and need more! Only looking for people who light torches because I light everyone’s torches every day! Please light my torches everyone who adds me!
My code is 12374002EC
1961581KD, light my torches please !
Hi! Like everyone, I’m looking for friends who light torches. I check for torches that need to be lit at least three or four times a day.
My Friend Code is: 12118727in
add me my islands may not be good but ill light your torch friend code is 12276043IF
7630864KM add me please
9170874MK EVERY day I resist spending real money. Lol I need those torches lit. Look forward to visiting all your islands!
Please request me for my singing monsters my friend code is 9277537BF please do the diamond referral please
The best addition to the game in a while is the ability to see who is reciprocating the lighting of torches. Thank you to everyone who returns the favor to me and to those who light mine, I am trying to keep up!! 10997538KK
9170874MK EVERY day I resist spending real money. Lol I need those torches lit. Look forward to visiting all your islands!
I had to dump half my friends. They weren’t lighting my torches after I repeatedly lit their’s. C’est la vie!
9170874MK EVERY day I resist spending real money. Lol I need those torches lit. Look forward to visiting all your islands!
9170874MK EVERY day I resist spending real money. Lol I need those torches lit. Look forward to visiting all your islands!
I light if you light. I delete if no activity after 3 days.
Add me friend code/referral code please 12796957HN
Add me!
Hi, please Add! 11990177BF
Ooppss I input the wrong code, I guess it didn’t copy properly! I’m such an airhead! It’s 12879194MK
Hi Sarah! I’ve removed the wrong code. Thank you for adding 🙂
Thank you,… Mine as well
11349916BC.Highest diamonds is 15.
Hi everyone! Please add me to your MSM friends list! I rate islands and light torches daily! Thanks!
Friend Code: 11109447fd
Username: Twist3daria
Pretty please
Every day you get your rewards scratch off and every day you scratch three spaces and see two really awesome prizes and one crap one. You know which you are getting before you finish scratching. Does that seem right to you?
I light if you light. I delete non-active people. Happy singing!
my code is 13032862BM
please add my friend code 8705101ID
Please add. Thank you very much. 12679110JM
i will light torches if you do to mine. my code is: 8479014AG
oh and my username is Anderz
Need torch lighting buddies!
Need friends! 12650661BB
I add me I need friend plus help me?
Code: 10040036FK
my friend code is: 10613490AK
Hello 🙂 kinda new to the game, but I light torches everyday (it has kind of became a habit XD) msm# 8847429FF thank you!
4789315BD 🙂
Add me plz 972068ei
Hey guys ^_^ I light torches everyday and hope you will do the same for me!
11845764EA I will light torches daily!
My referral code;1294089NN my friend code;13940989NN I light torches daily&like your island!
You wrote two different codes. Is that right?
Light my torch, and i will do the same. JOKIE: 10471444BC
Need to beat little bro, well 28, add me!! 9491526Ji
I’m the torch lighter! 13196517LN
10268164HC Come on baby light my fire! (and I’ll light yours too) (^_^)
Please add me and I will light your torches! 13091562HE
please add me and I will light your torches – 11548638LM and also 11548516AA. Thank you!
Please add me 12372523eb
12652228AE is my friend code:)
I light torches
Thank you sooooo much for the codes. I am monstermadge#73 and my friend code is 10666840CI. I, too, am retired and enjoy fooling around with this monster thing. Not very good at it. There are now symbols under different monsters that I have no idea what they are. How do you get a Reebro or a Wubbox or a Grumpyre. Maybe this is as far as I can go. Please light my 2 torches on cold island and I will look for you and do the same. Bye for now.
Add me for lit torches:
Hi my friend code and my husbands
6820103mf 7082649ih
I light torches and like islands my friend code is 11294533LN
Hi, I light daily add me and see lit torches! 11238364HC -GaRiON
Hi! My friend code is 500025720NG! Please visit!
Feel free to add me… 500032053FF
Add me, I light torches everyday 11214944BK thanks! 🙂 and thanks for the list!!!
You’re welcome. Happy to help 😉
I’d really love more friends so please add me 13588177kl
online everyday add me light me and ill light you back
Awesome list going here!
Looking for more friends! My code is: 12294498EK
Thank you 🙂
Hello! Mine is 13611002KK =) thank you!
I’m a regular player and if you light my torches I’ll light yours
Thanks for sharing
13296378EC ill light torches
Add my Facebook to speed up incubation https://m.facebook.com/shivaya.namaha.5
Lets make cute baby monsters together!
Love, like and light……candles that is
12709655NH add me if you’d like. I seem to be adding mostly inactives
I light torches: 13600814NM
Hi my code is 12752368bk I’m in desperate need of my torches being lit I’m on at least three times a day
My friend code is 12016724NK… please add me ty!
Daily player
12413402he add me plzz
My friend code is 11325201AD, please feel free to add me. I light torches pretty regularly and rate islands.
New Daily player-torch lighter, 13745999BL
5456377DF Daily player for the last year and a half, I light all of my friends torches !
Looking for reciprocal torch lighter! 11901649JJ
MY ALL TIME FAVORITE GAME EVER! Thank you so much @MSMFan for this website & all your amazing help! Kudos to you!!!
12411714LA Display Name: Isolde-1807
Looking for new friends to light torches & like islands. I light ALL friends torches several times a day & would greatly appreciate the reciprocation of lights & likes!
Thank you very much for the nice words. Happy to see that people use my site 😉
Welcome & Thank you 2 All my new friends for the lites & likes!!! Happy 2 keep doing the same for U!! There are a few friends whose Islands have not had available torches to lite. I’ll keep trying of course. HAPPY PLAYING!!!
Play every day and light torches if you light mine. Will also like. Trying to develop more islands.
Oops- forgot to leave my #- it is 12940376IE (that’s the letters IE). Please add me-am looking for friends who will light torches & I will light yours. Will not keep lighting if you don’t do the same.
Thanks to my new friends for lighting my torches. This IS an addictive game!
I also light torches daily and need them lit back: 12553203GN. Thanks!!
add me please
please add me
thank you
Fairly new and addicted.lol 13513966mc thanks for adding me in advance.
playing for a minute and decided to expand!! lol add me !! I play every hour, every day… apparently it has taken over my life…add me!!!
Yet another player caught by MSM 🙂
My hubby and myself! We light torches daily!
Please, pretty please… Add me as your friend! I promise 2 do my daily visit, and help out as much as the game lets me! And, … Hopefully, I will get the help back!
Here is my code… 12298124LK
thanks for making this list please add #214179DJ #6370724IM and #6301632AE thanks again Debschell
Light torches daily. Please add 11841494ja
I’ll light your torches, and you’ll light mine. 12424449HB
Just started playing this game after watching my kids and nephew play. Please add my code: 14022225IH. I’ve been lighting torches through my son’s account; now I will light through my own!
Thank you for lighting my torches,,,so much appreciated. Been trying to light yours back, however; their is never any available to light on your islands. I’ll keep trying!!! Happy playing haute dog! 🙂
Please add 13777314IG. I light torches!
New player – I light torches – please add 14022225ih.
13874917EH Hi, I will light torches!!!
the referral code 12763983NL
My code is 12906425CH I light torches
Please add me as well!
13955474FE for me! Thanks in advance.
13345635KB ^w^ Add me, pleeeeease.
Hi all! My display name is sweetkate8791 and my friend code is 3906011MJ
I don’t have facebook or Twitter so I’m assuming that I won’t b able to get the 5 diamonds for adding friends? I wish there was another way to get diamonds when adding friends. But if having all torches lit increases chances of getting ethereal monsters for myself and others. ..I’m all for it. Please add me , I’m working on adding the posted codes. Thanks! Happy lighting ★
14083886CG – will try to light torches, please light mine
Plz add me new player and play every day
Mine is 13612270NA I light and like if u do the same please like and torch plant first please 🙂
Hi there! Please add me, i’m always online and i light torches every day. =) My friend code is 13653700BC. Thanks!
Add me: 13641491MF and 13600814NM. I’ll light your torches.
11859261KL. i light back
Add me please: 13591506ig
Add me please, I light torches and like islands several times a day! Love this freaking game!!!! 8594640DG
My friend code
I light torches and like islands daily :3
my Game ID 14331711KB
help me i’ll help you
Hi everyone!! If possible please add me as your friend and make my day even more awesome!! My friend code is: 14316030JE
Please add me. I light torches everyday! 13563109MH
10467167AJ please add
Hello, please add me, my code is 14295891FL
Add me please: 13735688GE
Hi all! Please add my code 13611002KK and 13868389NF. I light torches EVERYDAY. GUARANTEED!:)
Hi all! I’m newer to this game, but really like it. My mom sweetkate8791 has been playing awhile and got me into it. Please add me I will light torches , & am looking forward to when I can get mine. Thanks!
guaranteed that i will light your fires all day!!!
10452011GF I light torches regularly and extend likes to exceptional islands. Friend me and we can help each other hatch the rare monsters… have fun and good luck all!
Please friend me need all the help I can get plus I light torches as much as I can
Let’s light torches together.
I like EVERY island I visit.
My game name is simply “P”.
Please add me and my daughter to your friends list- we both light torches on ALL of our friends islands every day! 4444471IF for my daughter, and 4797408EA for me. Thanks! I look forward to lighting your torches soon.
Let’s light it up 3482259MJ
Please add my friend code
My Friend Code: 14077435BL
Let’s light: 13208849nf
I play on facebook and none of these codes will work. 🙁
Is this a code from the FB version of MSM? 😉
It is the facebook version.
You must play using your Android or iOS device. Playing on Facebook is NOT the same as mobile. Sorry 🙂
Add me:9366621JN.Also please like my islands too
Like me and I like you light me up and I light you up so go ahead and friend me
If you like me I like you If you light me up I light you up So friend please
14509083dl add me
will lite yours please lite ours
thank you
Add Me Add Me Add Meee: 9750599GN
Let me light your fire
Will light your torches
Daily player
I have added all u guys as my friends so pleeese now in return can u add me,I may not be on avert high level or anything like that but everybody has to start somewhere u know soooo PLEEEESE go and add me my friend code is…
thx guys
I play a ton, add me – 14233578DI
My son is also playing – he’s 14178605AH
I’m adding folks from the last month or two here and I play multiple times daily.
Dont be shy, add me as your friend :), i will light you up 😀
DLYRE: 12861990FE
Thank you, merci beaucoup!
TY …your site is great 11609883AN
Thanks 😉
New to the game will light torches and like! 🙂
People of my singing monsters if you would just like my plant island and light torches on cold island I will light torches for you and like islands but only if you if do the things above. SO PLEASE DO IT FOR ME
FRIEND ME 10175739FH
People of My Singing Monsters if you would just simply like my plant island and light torches on cold island nothing else I will like all your islands and light torches for you. ONLY if you do the things above I will do these things. SO PLEASE FRIEND ME.
Friend me 10175739FH
please add me, I play every day and will spark up your wishes
13211256ai thank you!
Daily player! Will light your torches! 14373059DL GOGOGOGOGOGOGO!
My code is 14275249NB
Really good game, got into it in 2 days xD and it’s addicting >n<
But Go and add me !! and I'll Light torches, and give ya a thumbs up
Just do the same for me please!!
Great site. I like and light every day. Please add me to your list. My code is 11795867ND. Thanks good to see so many fellow players .
My friend code is 500106483IB. Daily facebook player.
Could anyone add my son? He was duped by bogus referral codes and was heartbroken he wasnt showered with diamonds. :(. Here is his code: 12307221FF. Thank you!
I light torches multiple times a day! 13939012GM
My friend code is 14515001FJ
I Will keep the torches every time I can!
Add me! Light my torches and I’ll light yours
My code is 11667147MB
Add me 13662431bd
Add me 13662431bd
I love this game! I play and light friend torches every day.
Please add me:
12783000dk will light and like daily.
Msm you are on my friend list but aren’t lighting torches my display name is man monsters/lightplant. I understand you are probily busy but I would like it if you light torches. Thank you
Please add me
add me 14775316mm im always playing, always light ur torches
I light torches continuously everyday!
my frind code is15250335CB
Come on baby light my fire
what’s your code?
Light daily 11328861FN
I will light your torches if you light mine and I like Islands add well. …. friend code. .. 14583168BG.. pls add me
Need torch lighting buddies on facebook! 🙂 500106483IB
—> 14741925NB
I would love to Light your Torches. Please Light my Fire. Thank You 13643844NC.
Hey please can u add me if i dont light u can delete me but i promice i do light heres my code 13757719MF and heres my moms code same goes for her and she does light torches heres her code 13856229HB if we dont light delete us oh and my name is Mckayla Townsend my moms name is Lizette hammock its our MSM name
Add us! 11714244AM , 11714350AC and 11606748BK WE LIGHT TORCHES DAILY
Awesome! 😉
My friend code is 13821422AK .Please feel free to add me.I need all the friends I can get.
Well first time with all this,,, game name, brandi bbb id friend code 12911989GD
Add me! I light torches daily, please return the favor! TIA (I love this game)
Add me: 12690509GD light my torchers and i light his torches.
Please ad me 14367395FH
im playing this game all day everyday. im always lighting fires! please light back.
Love MSM! Play daily and light torches. Please add and light me up
Thanks 🙂
I light torches a few times a day. I’d appreciate if you returned the favor. Friend code: 14223424FG
Light them up!! And Thanks!! 14272961HF
Hello fellow fans! I’m a Level 30 (you don’t get there without being addicted to the game) so you know I play whenever I am not required to do less exciting things. Like making money to feed myself and my dog instead of a monster.
Every time I open the game I PAY IT FORWARD by starting with my friends first. I light torches and like islands alllll dayyyy longggg.
Yes, I light for the ones who don’t light for me. But, if there is ever a limit to the number of friends we can have….you non-lighters will be bumped off. Because recently I have become aware that there are others like me who light ALL THE TIME. I AM LOOKING FOR YOU GUYS. Just like in life, the ones who help others are the ones who survive!
ADD ME! TIKITIME 12129262mg
BTW, thank you to our host! You have been added (no bumpage…promise).
TIKITIME 12129262mg
You sound awesome! Add me too please! I’ll return the awesomeness
Katelynn–what is your Friend Code 😉 ???
Changed my Display Name to: @TikiTime
Thanks to all my new friends who are Lighting away!!!
Thank you Karen!
After doing this list, I’ve ended up with 5000+ friends. Sadly, I can no longer launch the app, as loading facebook info on all of you nice people is killing my phones.
I can’t login on #Android, #iPhone or #BlueStacks anymore, so I’m trying to login using the Android Emulator from Google on my (bit more powerful) PC.
Hope to see you all soon – until then: take care and be nice to each other.
hey! im a everyday player with my cold island ranked 69! My friend code is 40728232FC. I will light your torches too!!!
I light all torches daily if you do the same 🙂
Will do my best to visit daily and light torches, if needed.
Can someone add me I will light all your torches and I will truly appreate that. Here’s my friend code: 3912149FF
Says there is no one with most of these friend codes…am I doing something wrong? I enter friend code and none of them work.
btw, my code is 15292992ce
If you play on facebook, these codes do not work.
Hi! Please add me!
I like islands and light torches daily 🙂
I’m level 17 and really want likes on my plant island.
15316562NI add me please! 🙂
I am maxed lvl! Add me and you wont regret it !!!! 4890302kc
I light torches & like islands daily
My code is:
14532562ni I light all the time!
I light torches multiple times daily 🙂 Lvl23 player so I’m on quite a bit!
Add me as your friend and keep the torches lighted… 14515001FJ Lopez.Andre
15113848CE please add me when you get a chance 😉
Add me and we light the torches together 14872762li
My friend code is 11493651LL. Please add me! I promise to always light torches. If I ever see you on the street, I’ll smile and give you a warm, friendly hug. Thanks in advance!
Please add me and light torches! I will do the same for you!
I light torch multiple times a day. Please add me and we will help each other.
This dude lights torches!!!!
Done Midnight Mark … Just lit one of UR torches! Nice islands! Keep it up! Nice to have u as a new friend.
15076441LB that’s my code. I’m new so I don’t have any torches yet but I light others when I get the chance alway from beauty school and partylite. 🙂
It’s done my dear! Happy to have U on board! Heeheehee ;’0D
I actually look for torches to light everyday! It’s fun.
Hello, my friend code is: 7079711KB. I will light and like you too 🙂 Yay!
My friend code is 111785KE
I am having a blast playing this … Although it drives my husband batty.
laurel 9687929ed. thanks
To all my friends… having issues with my game. It won’t let me light any torches. S sorry. Hope to have answer com mms help soon. It says I need an upgrade but will not allow any to download. Anyone know what else I can do?
Add me please. 15405105DB
I’ve tried to add several of you but I keep getting “No user with that ID” So here is my friend ID, I play this everyday. 500140647ND
Torch problem fixed. Thanks for lighting while not able to return favor. Back to liking and lighting. Jean 11795867ND
Jean, How was the torch problem fixed? I started having the same problem last night. Glad to hear there is a fix. Will light torches as soon as I’m able.
My name is JuliaLopez and my friend code is 14089136LG.
I need help to keep my torches on, and if you be my friend, I will keep your torches light too! Ty.
Please add me I light torches if you light mine
Log in and light everyday
It’s 4:20 on my island! Let’s light up!
Thank for adding your friend code. I will also add it to my new site MoreAppFriends.com – where you can get more friends for your favorite games and apps.
Please add me as a friend – I light torches!!!
But we need your friend code… 🙂
15348764DC Add me please 🙂
14275764LK I light torches all the time. please return the favor!!!
I light torches. 14532562NI Believe me!!!!
14463438HM plz light up torches
My code is 14575604IE. I’ll light yours if you light mine!
Hope people are still reading this…
Sure they are 🙂
My friend code 5663346LM
Very helpful and informative thank u
I’m new at this! Mine is 15707625FF
My code is 11361333LJ. I light torches every day!
Friend code 6642988KI Looking for people that will light my torches. I light torches daily and am sick of not getting mine lit. Have cleaned out the leechers from my friends list.
My code is 15705338AG!
13870148JG – play (and light torches) at least 3 times a day.
My friend code is 15391687CF and I have nothing better to do at the moment than liking and lighting torches. Please add me and be enlightened!
Add me I light torches everyday. 13268015GN
I light torches all the time…
Friend code 7692150ec
Please friend me,13998959MB. I will light and like you.
Hey all I play on PC Facebook only and can’t seem to add any of you- if you can add me it would be great I play everyday and light everything up- 500149407ib- thanks
Add me. I definitely light torches. Especially those who light mine.
My code is…….. 15678412ME
I’m good for a light!
Add me and i will light your torchs always! I promise u.
You haven’t lighted any of mine yet. I lit yours several times. Are you playing thru Facebook? I am using iPad app.
Thanks for this site, @MSMfan. Appreciate the info and everyone who is helping me with the game.
Add me; I light torches and play all the time. 15846421NF
16001970KG or Facebook [email protected]
I light torches everyday! Add me
Got a code? 🙂
15873193GH – light torches daily 🙂
Adding you now! Thanks so much for the list!! ⚓️
13293560CA I light everyone everyday 🙂
my friend code is 15231545IH
You light my torches, I light yours.
Varun, your number is too short. You left something out.
Will light/like please add 13138144LG
I light torches daily!! Please do the same: 13842491GN
Hi… I am a daily player on multiple times a day. I light torches daily and have been disappointed that alot of the people I added do not return the favor. I am looking for people who actually Light Torches. Please add Me! LAURA PLANT COLD PLS 12828840MM
Hoping people will help you out 🙂
Add my code please, I light torches, daily.
my code is 15214496km
I light torches!!!
Please add me : 11667185NN
Thank you!!
Hey looking for some awesome friends! I light everyday and would love to get the same in return!
😀 add me 12855645DN
Add me please!
I light unlit torches almost everyday!
My son is 6 and loves this game and would like to have some friends to help light his torches. His friend code is 13334634eg. He will light torches after he finishes his homework. Thank you!!!!
Add me please!
Here’s my friend code please add: 13942666HM
Can somebody tell me why I don’t have a “refferal” botton???
I think you need to be a bit more specific… If you’re playing on fb, the codes here doesn’t work.
Add me ! Torch lighter
Add me!! I light back
Add me
heres mine – 500181805LJ
They are not compatible with phones or kindle. please add me. thanx
16227484CA invite me pls
my friend code is 16392460AA
My code is: 16390893AL
Feel free to add me if you want your torches lit 6789343HL.
Oh and could you guys add my sister 6788197DF
she needs help
i buff daily
Please add my friend code: 1650634KK thanks!
I light, and Thumbs up my Ethereal Island!
Add me and light one of my torches, I light torches several times a day!
I would love it if you would light mine. My friend code is 2510446FE. Thanks. I’m on at least once a day.
anyone play on facebook? codes are different from phone app, need some friends (insert forever alone face)
Sad to hear that… Friend codes on facebook all start with the number 5. Hope you can find some here. I’m working on a new list that sorts friend codes into mobile and facebook. Stay tuned 😉
reveal yourselves facebook players!!!
I play this game constantly and would love more friends. my code is:
16506314KK Thanks!
This will make life so much better!
Thanks mamanici
please add me! I’m having to luck adding anyone else 🙁 I play through Facebook. 500167006DM
Please add me 15247217CD
Please add me 16351526JI ~CMsPiglet
Hehe. This is funny and fun. My code is 16428644KE Trying to light everyones torches… Thanks all ~CMonky67UT
Add me I thumbs up and light torches on everyday all day 19012856AI
Trust me, if you want friends just play the game on a mobile device. It isn’t made for Facebook so it doesn’t look as good either. You have to start over, but its been worth it
I second that! MSM is not a Facebook game imo.
Every time I try to visit a friend island now, I get “You must update my singing monsters to view this island.”
So I am unable to light torches.
Please help with this.
I get the same thing on my kindle fire. I’m afraid if I update I will lose all my progress. I’m pretty sure my game has all the latest updates for kindle. I think the update prompt is because the person who lit my torch is using the PC version. Can anyone clarify this?
Add me!!!! 16127910LE
Having the same problem. Sent issue to BBB support. Will let you know if they can fix it.
Thanks Melanie. Glad to know I am not alone with this issue.
I tried to update, but that did not work either.Thanks Mamanicic
Hey Mamanicic, The update for Kindle platforms is now available. Took awhile and many emails to BBB but the update is finally ready for download. Good Luck.
16387944hk please add will light torches
Hi my code is 16859454LM sp please Add me too.!!!! I light Torches.
Thanks;)))) Magdalene
Вот код 16930131FL
спасибо 🙂
16940026KG – just starting out on Android but doing pretty well in the PC version 🙂
Friend code——> 16396060AI
I like and light every day if you do the same. Please add me. You will get free diamonds! Look for Rocker4059
15454491MF Thanks!!!
I need a grumpyre! Light my torches and I’ll light you back. 14935004AA
Try this one.
Add me 16043661hj
Now that i have your attention my friend code is.
Sure got my attention 😉
My friend code is 34645440nc
My freind code is 16786428GE. I’m looking for good torch lighters, I’m a daily Torch lighter. Also, I like DAILY so plz like mine
Ok then,my friend code is : 16597171MF .
I’m a daily Torch lighter
Thank you 🙂
Add me : 4676985LN
16737323HL Is my friend code
Please add me…3791439LL. At max level.
I light torches for dayyyyyzzzz baby for dayyyyyzzzz…. So add me kthxbye!
Please add me: 2062103DL – thanks!
add mee ;D @ 14923601AH
I light torches daily, Promise! =) Add me: 16144368gi
Thanks 🙂
Does anyone know the ‘fix’ for the stupid ‘update’ pop-up? I’ve been trying to light torches and get the same message “UPDATE to view this Island”
Thanks to all my friends that continue to light my torches. I will return the favor as soon as I figure out this stupid ‘update’ thing.
I contacted Big Blue Bubble and they told me it’s an Amazon issue. Will call Amazon in the morning.
Did Amazon ever tell you anything as I have the same issue?
Hey Pete,
The update was made available Friday (12 Dec.) by Big Blue Bubble.
Had sent them several emails and finally emailed their hdqtrs, in Canada. They responded right away and assured me Kindle platforms were being supported. I logged-in to MSM and sure enough there was an update available. All my progress, coins, diamonds, etc. were right there. So, log-in and hit ‘update’.
Happy playing.
My freind code is 1042917Al
I light torches daily! 14923601AH
my kik is arisaurusrex
Yo yo light my torches and I love you. add me on your referral and I will caress your body
I’ve been visiting random islands, liking them and lighting their torches, but I’d rather have some friends who so can visit every day. If you’d like to add me, my code is 16761490mc
Hi Jean,
Just added you. I was having ‘update’ problems but that is all fixed.
Add me if you’d like 16238722LM
P.S. I’m only level 15 so far, if that matters to anyone.
Add me 16766760im
My code 13172416dg
“5068291mj” I do torch for torch daily!
I light torches at least twice a day. Please only add me if you reciprocate. Otherwise, I’ll remove you after 5 lights. Thanks! ~Tammi~ 14419813LJ
Sorry wrong code: 14419913LJ
I’ll fix it in your last post 😉
…and you did already. Happy torching! 🙂
My username is ??Ryan??
I am on atleast once every three hours. (Very active)
I enjoy looking at others islands and would love to like and light your torches!
Just add my friend code 9026702IK!
Please light my torches too! THANK YOU!
Add me 🙂
I’m on every day and will light torches…
Thank you!
16374453FJ – I am a daily player that likes and lights.
Add me!! I light torches every day and also like islands! thanks @ 14923601AH
You can also skype me at ari.saurusrex
Add me please! I’ve been playing for close to a year and light torches everyday as long as you light mine in return!! 9756649AH
I light torches at least twice a day. Please only add me if you reciprocate. Otherwise, I’ll remove you after 5 lights.
14419913LJ 🙂
You light we light we all get rare monsters together.
We play several times daily 15600180EE & 14307686FE
Good luck with the rares 🙂
please add me i play many times a day
I will lite torches and like your islands. Please do the same for my island
Update issue! Dear Friends, Thanks for ‘torching’ while this problem persists. BBB is no longer supporting ‘older’ (first generation) Kindles.
Yes, you can still play MSM but cannot light torches (stupid update msg.
comes up) etc. So, you can either buy a newer Kindle and download MSM or download MSM to your Android device (smartphone). If you do either,make sure to save your original BBB ID # then you can send the original ID# and your new ID# to BBB and they will transfer your game progress to your new account.
I’m gonna try it this weekend and will let you all know if it works.
Thanks for lighting my torches while I investigate this issue and post what info I garner.
Feel free to add me too : 1497514LF
I’ll lit up your torches, everyday
12654712GA add me please
Hope…. The name is HOPE. Not hoe
I light torches daily
16804411JL please and thank you
17641039ef like/lite every day :-}
Thanks in advance, you beautiful person, you!! 🙂 16068174DM
My referral code – 16799133GL please use it! And my friend code if the same if you want to add me!!
Please add me 17069929DB
Add me please… 14853088JG
Hallo from Germany,
please add my code: 17165437fb
Don`t forget to light my torches! I will also light yours.
please add 17612408GI
I light torches and like islands daily!
Add my main account @ 14923601AH
and also my alt account @ 865336HG
Thanks! You can skype me @ ari.saurusrex
Please add
me: 17245260dc
my friend: 17429036ci
Dear Friends,
I’m still trying to get my progress, from my old Kindle, transferred to my Smart phone. It’s taking like forever! In the meantime, I can still play on my old Kindle but can’t visit your islands to like or light. Thanks for hanging with me through this and continuing to keep on your Friends list.
When I get this ‘update’ thing figured out, I’ll light torches for hours/days/weeks to make it all up to you great friends.
I light torches. 17396028JK
17641039ef like/lite every day :-}
One post is enough 😉
Add my alt -> 865336HG
I light torches and like islands daily!
my code: 17533968DC
12298064GI Please add me. I light all torches daily.
17484127AF…..I light all.
Please add me.. I will light torches everyday!! 1317940AE
I light all available friends several times a day.
17861847IF thank you!
will return the favor, 17102440LG
Hey everybody! I’m a transplant patient (aka, home 24/7) so I have plenty of time to light and like! I’ve added friends, but no one has been lighting my torches. 🙁 boo! If you help me, I will definitely help you!! Thanks!!
I have the same problem. My name is Coleen and my friend code is: 15804798NI. I just added you, please add me too and I’ll light your torches and like your islands. 😉
11026896FK Please add me
My friend code is 17242633LB. I always like people’s islands and light people’s torches. Add me!
Please add me @ 2013899ND. You won`t regret it! I like and light every day if I can!
I have added your code and will light torches for you.
Please do the same for me.
My code is 15154710GC
Light torches daily – 17263801LB
I added your friend code and will light torches daily for you if you do the same for me.
My friend code is 15154710GC
17228964JC :] light for a light!
I added your friend code, lit a torch and like your island.
Please do the same for me.
My friend code is 15154710GC
17777129AD is my code. I play daily and I light torches every day so plz light my too!!!
Friend Code 15154710GC
I will like islands and light torches if you will do the same for me.
Your blog is great, Thank You !!! My friend code is 6499128NK….Hi to all my new friends!!!
17208647FL I light torches for my friends
Add me 15740100NG
Been playing & lighting every day for months. Possibly a monster addict =^..^=
Please add me! I visit and light torches daily! 3180542LE xoxo
We light your tourches if you light ours please 15404116ka
Please add me!! 17169124EA. I light torches every day!
Add me if you would like 17876255CN I always light torches and like islands and am on a lot
Add me please! I try to light torches as often as I can. 17170054GK
Add me 17448021JF
Mine is 18299915AJ
Hello, please add me! This game is so addicting… I will add likes and torches when I can. Thanks 18132348KM
add me breh 18132781BB
I think you forgot something… 🙂
Yes I did!
Don’t know what I’m doing wrong
friend code 14887452DK
I play all the time and always looking for torches to light 🙂 16881890AC
how do i find my code
14093562DA light mine and i will light back
please add me 18592663KN
I’m new but ive been lighting tons of torches for folks. Just got my own!
Thank you guys!!
Love this game and enjoy lighting torches daily! 18535011CN
Thank you!!!
Please add me. Friend code:15804798NI. Thank You!
I still need my 5 diamonds! Please add me. Friend code: 15804798NI. I will light your torches, and please light mine. Thank You!!!
<3 <3 <3
Friend me!!
18693124mi Please add me
Please add me. Newer player but active and will help with torches/likes.
Just went through and added everyone on the page & in the comments
Please add me, I’m an active player and will light your torches!
18435705ML is my friend code. Pleas add me!
Hiya Miriam,
Hope you’re doing well. Glad you’re having fun with MSM. I am too.
Will keep you in my prayers.
hello people!!!
Names Helvetica01
Please add me!!
Friend code: 17732607EJ
This is my sons monsters, i work on it for him breeding, and still learning the tricks. Please help by lighting torch, thank you. 18529245IH
My friend code is 17733947HH please add, I play and light torches several times a day x
Add me, will light torches, constant player, but new.
Welcome Sy. Just added you. Add me too 16238722lm
Friend code 18434796MI
My referral code is 18772310AC. Thanks!
Will Light & Like!!
Thanks for the awesome website!
Just started playing not too long ago and would appreciate it if you lit torches for me! I’ll return the favor! 18497429AD
Add my friend code 11771999FL
Will you help me? I’ve created a special holiday water island and I’d love to make the top 10 by Christmas. I also light and like throughout the day.
My friend code is 15292024LK
Thank you!
My friend code is 18892894GK
I just started playing this game a couple days ago and would love friends to keep my torches on. I will in return light torches and leave likes!
Add me please 17811328EM
I need friends. My code is 18852167KN
My Friend Code is 13179105JB
Please add 2257822HA. Thank you!!
19091467MF Please add 🙂 Brand new player but will like your islands and light torches. Thanks for this help page
Thank you very much 🙂 Welcome to My Singing Monsters.
Please add me! 10775021HN
19290177NJ thanks!
Add me please! 18113446NE
17748609FJ – I light torches all day long
189 228 56 AE Please add me as a Friend.
11328861FN light daily and playing for over a year.
My freind code is: 18816839bd
Username = Doughnut Bagel
Level = 28
Code = 11573360EE
Random Info = If you light my torches I will light yours, and like my island and I will like yours. Add me if you must
Hey feel free to add me anyone I always light torches and like islands as much as possible and I’m on all the time. 17876255CN
I will light up yr torches and push the like button ! If you don’t trust, add me 😉
torch it! all day!
Jenn’s friend code. Please add me.
Please add 19635108EM
Add me and i help you! 19581834GK
Hi, everyone! nice to meet you! Now add me, plz!!!
15622665DB thanks for adding, daily player and torch lighter
Add me 17277410HM
Plz Light! 17201090EC Thanks. 🙂
hi, please add me, I will light torches every day: 19416860KE
Add me! 19808612LG
my code: 18659759fd
add me if u want ^.^
Please add me. i’ll help you light your torches every day!
My goal is to have my shugabush island featured as the top weekly island. I dont even care if you light a torch, just pkease click the like button.
Please add me, I light torches. 17796509JF
Thank you. 🙂
Please add me: 19480209AH
19922583CB Add me pls!
12654712GA add me please
please add me.. my friend code is 20361741kl
Add for daily torch lightings! 18096710JI
Add me please 6807535HH
I’m new to my singing monsters and I want to know how do you find out what is your friend code?
When logged in on one of your islands, click on the friends icon at the bottom of your screen, then you will see your friend code in the top right of the next box screen that opens up. 🙂 Please add me too, my code is 899992ki
I light my friends torches, please add me and light mine too 🙂 code is 18305327kn
Plz add me my friend code is 20630305df i’ll try to like and light as much as I can thx
2039674DN Add me and I’ll be happy to light your torches if you light mines thanks (: I’m on everyday “
hey everyone!! I’m frequent in my singing monsters. I light up torches so friend me:)
its 17732607EJ
Imma Daily Player!! Add Me…20538887IN
Add me too please! 20050450FA
I light daily.Add me fc: 18092812MM
hier ist mein Code: 20641859JH
Lighting torches, both my son and I play and both light
I play multiple times daily.
friend code is 19165039MN
Please add me! 21162456MA
2698385NJ :0)
Add me please! 19795478JM
Add me please 😉 19617068MI
My friend code: 20450055CF add me please 🙂
My friend code: 20450055CF add me please
Thanks so much!!
Add me. M please my code is 21305441HF
Please add me! 20086747GB
15713373NJ Add me please I light torches
Add me too guys!!! 18606248CM
21248942JE – Play daily, likes daily, lights whenever I see a torch I’m allowed to light.
Please add me !! 🙂 20688703JH
Please add me 20688703JH
Hi, my code is 20700310BE. It would be great if you could add me.
I’ll light your torches if you light mine. 19021663EF
Can you pls add me my code is 20839146MK
Please add me, I am on everyday multiple times for lighting torches. 21361127KJ
20973666HA please add i will light and like
Please add me. I light torches and like islands daily.
Please add me (MONSTER MASHED)
My code is 20532056DK
Add me: 17485998AG
Please add me
Please add me 19856212DG thank you!! Also, does anyone know how to add a friend to the favorites tab??? Please help!
add me 21781809gh
**Please Add Me**
20669925LF Please add me and I will light torches. Thanks
I’m on daily, so add me! 20858324DC
I’ll light torches and like islands as much as possible. Thanks :3
i play almost everyday lighting torches 17999821AH
Please add me 21553661DF
17589799IF add me please!
Please add me, My code; 19581834GK
Never left a torch unlit. Sometimes the game lets me light 10 at once if I’m fast. Hope that works for you. Add me and find out. Rob
3180542LE – lighting daily! 🙂
Add me please. I check in 2-3 times a day. I will light torches!
8 9 9 9 9 2 k i THANKS!
Sorry, your code doesn’t work. Even with the spaces removed.
Oh oh oh add me add me my Fri nd code is 21159181AL I light torches!
Please add my friend code 21722040BC
I’m new to this game.
Thank you(:
Hi, here’s my code: 21145587BL. Thanks so much!
I light torches everyday.
Thank you for providing this list. My code is 21865155AJ.
22326256CE DAILY
please add me too! 521671873LS
got that wrong! it’s 22592727CF !!
Great. I removed the wrong code 😉
Please add me 21963009LN
Hey buddys loving music !!! Add mee hole day lighting torches and Likes ^^ Reference my code plz 22650584DG
I have no life!! LOL! I’m super addicted to the game and will play until I have mastered it.
Add me! You will benefit from a friend like me xoxo
Love your comment! 😀
Please add me and light the torches: 22125645FF
In case anyone ever makes it all the way to the bottom of comments friend me, I like and light! 19810677JN
New to the game. 20607635ND please add. Thanks
Light my torches and I’ll light yours! 18941909EH
22487745EH….Pyromaniac…all day, and night!
21046663DL – new at this!
22507503CJ thats my friend code add me im looking for loads of people
I light fires daily 15713373NJ Add me please
New and addicted…lol Please add my code is:
Please add me! I vote up and light torches! 21146949HN
please add me to your listmy number is 22578515HL,thank you
I will light your torches. 20669925LF. Thanks
Love to light torches! Please Add Me! 19635108EM
I love to light torches, too! 19635108EM
Add me -20638636LC
My son desesperately need diamonds…
Please add is code: 19884888ii
Happy to light torches. 21245354EC
228 601 70KC. Please add, I light torches everyday and like islands. I’m on 10+ times a day. Let’s help each other.
my friends refferal has disappearred how can i get it back?
23105880IA i feel lonely ;_; annah
I will always light your torches, please add me 🙂
Please add me! 22642436NG
Please add me. I need torches lot! Thank you. 22389671CF
I play regularly! Please add me!
Please add me! 23493095AF
My code is 23326889BN
Add me and my little boy. We love this game and we light torches and like islands. We play this game allay everyday. Please add he has no friends to light his torches. And even if you don’t light his he and I will light yours
need your coeds sweetie!! here’s mine…i light torches 3 times & if i get no lights back…poof deleted! XOXOXO
oops…CODES, not coeds…lol
please add me, I will light every day 21971025KD
I will light torches several times a day 21971025KD
Hi! I also need a lot of new friend codes, so please add me: 23137086NA. Thanks! 🙂
18818194BM Add me and ill add you back straight away! I light torches everyday and am active every day
Thanx a bunch for the codes!!
If anyone wants to add me I’ll light ur torches! And give ur islands likes as often as possible.. 🙂
My code is: 11024255JS
Hey what an awesome page! Thanks to you MSMfan 🙂 I could really use a few friends so please add me 21716407ND and we can help each other out. Cheers!!
I light & like those that light me. So please add me 18922856ae if you light!
I’ll light all day! 23241464me
21108288LG I light torches!!!
plz add me trying to get 50 friends and need torches lit. I will light your torches as well
I light torches as well!
add me 18922856AE
I light and Like as long as you do.
please add me
I light torches daily – and I mean it!
i light torches. 18955288CI
I will light your torches. Please light mine. 18868943EB
why is it that i can not seem to breed any ethereal monsters? do we need to spend money before they will let us get them?
Please add me. Friend Code: 20666125HJ
Please add me. Friend Code: 19667248BK Thank you!
Please add me! 19667248BK
Please add 19667248BK
My code is above, but my family has gotten in on the addiction. We all light and like throughout the day. Many thanks to those who have and will add us.
I light torches
Like many others I spend more than enough time on this game to light torches and like islands for others. Please add me 23470272CA. Thanks and happy gaming!
Please add me I try to light daily
Add me as well please!
19530508NC thanks. 🙂
ADD ME PLEASE!! I check multiple times a day and light torches daily! 23748739FH
Thank you! Some of these friend codes are no longer valid. I WISH I’d kept notes on which ones.
MY friend code: 24184535EJ
Will you be my friend? 24406153BB
21260309IH Add Me Please Thank You
Need Torches Lit, Will Light In Return. MSM FC: 23667907MJ
I play often…
please add me i light torches a make sure you tap on submit referral and add my code there first and that way we both get GEMS!!! and then add me as a friend my code is 19645860km thanks
22076057FF. Add me 🙂
Please add me 24559985HB
Hi everyone! Pls add me and I’ll add you right back,I love visiting islands and lighting torches! ally : 2778846HE
23959118FE add me, will light all torches without fail 🙂
24555978IK and my wife 24539589LJ.
We play daily
i light torches daily if you return the favour. ill also like all your islanda and im always online
Add me 🙂 13580365EL
I light torches! 21983440GM Thanks!!!!
Add me!!!! 22320673LJ
Feel free to add me: 24228393KH. Thanks. 🙂
please add me as a friend my code is 22334116ea
Thanks Much
We are daily players. Light our torches and we will add yours. Add us up 24555978IK, 24539589LJ, 13393536AI
22281948gm add me i’ll light torches
24269821LB Thanks
I light torches and like islands daily
Please add me! My friend code is 25020975FH! 🙂
Please add me, my
friend code is 21537709nj sorry my islands are not doing so well.
Mine is 25199976FC
Please add me 25309641AH
24313229NF I light torches
25300271CF (:
Plz add 24987969AD, i am a torch lighting machine
You’re just what I’m looking for. So am I. LOL
Add me: 16947584MM
Add me my gamer tag is 23271696IA if you add me I will light your torches every day in history
I’m relatively new to MSM but I play everyday, 2-3 times a day. Please add me! Thanks!
My friend code is 22636273BB. For some reason it doesn’t show on my post
Looking for active players to return the favour 4833565HB
We are adding as many as we can (we being 4 of us in a family).
Our codes are:
19761392KA Add me! Also put 19761392KA in as a referal code and get five free diamonds!
My code
Add me, friends!! I am from Russia!
Always happy to light torches in return for lighting mine
friend code: 24119864LK
Add me.. Please.. i’m on several times a day, I light torches & like island throughout the day
My friend code is 16055276FK. I get on at least 3x A Week And Light ALL My Friends Torches. Anyone can add me I would like to have more friends.
Please add me! 25447050KK
291186BA friend code
Add me please 25842447FL
Add me please. 25842447FL
My code is 17911764AM. You can friend me if you want, if not that’s okay too.
I light torches everyday! 24/7 online!
Feel free to add me, will light torches too.
Please add me 25100683LD
My code is 25916906de
i play daily 2466329LB 🙂 🙂
Hello from FRANCE !
my code : 24849512GI
thanks to add me.
Torchs and like !!! merci
please add me 26069190LA
Please add me! I will light your torches.
mein Code 24759990DM
Daily Player will light torches – 17867553LJ
26354190 JI
Add me! 🙂 26402246JM
Please add me! I light torches! 23271975DD
Hey guys, im always online and if you like my Plant Island, ill like all your islands and ill light all your torches everyday! codes : 23648220AE add up!
Please add me i’ll lite your torches mine is : 23910856LC
I like islands, and light torches daily…
Guys please add me! My code is 25236631HH light my torches and I’ll light yours!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂
Add me. New to the game. =)
Please add me I will light torches for you:
Thank you!!!
Please add 26862033BB
Please add us:
26878127EF Anna
26742749HN Daniel
We light torches every day 😉
19263441GL – Add me please 😀
My code is: 25693NF
I’m just returning to the game after being away for ages.
Friend code: 25352234GG
Hello everyone, My friend code is 27628990IC. That’s the letter I, not a 1. Looks like this game is really fun and surprisingly inviting… Definitely would love to meet you guys in game and see your islands.
My Code is 21233979MJ pls add me <33 My Monsters are soo cute <33 thx
Level 27, I need more friends! I light, you light. Playing daily. 20719681DF
Hello 🙂 I’m new to singing monsters. Such a great game! I’m only on level 14… Plenty of levels to go 😀
My display name is MINIBOO and my friend code is 26849483KF Add me if any of you wish 🙂
I play every day several times a day. I’m addicted to MSM. Light my torches and I’ll light yours in return.
My friend code is 23736043MB
26457598CK Thanks!
ILike2Sing-add me!
25874331LH I light torches everyday.
I am on daily and am always looking for new friends and I love to like islands and light torches!! Please add me! My friend code is 26551242KC 🙂 thanks for adding me if you do! As of right now I’m level 15 and have the plant, cold, and air islands.
27868745DB is mine
my friend code is 931105MH.
add me
light up my torches
add my in your referal code
thanks you!!!
27112857nb pls add me
Please add me 19667248bk thanks!
Please ad me 27740059AJ thanks
Newbie here – add me PLEASE! 28565874LE
Hi, please add me 2703 5673 BK. I appreciate who help light my islands, and will do the same several times per day, as well as like your islands. Thanks :”)
27854277DF Please add me. I light torches daily and like islands that I visit! Thanks!
Please add me and light my torches
I will light back 🙂
Friend Codes 25753602DA & 25298801JF my six year old son and I play together and light torches daily!!!
please Use for referral or add me as a friend for daily likes or lighting torches ! 😀
Please add 29010860HC
Im on every day and light torches daily.
Hey guys I’m looking for new friends to help add each other and light torches xD
My code is 23473188LC so please add it and we can help each other 🙂
Please add- thanks, guys!
Add me 28702143hl I light torches every day
Please add me 27414081FR . I light torches daily
Please add us. We light torches daily
Thank you!
Please add me 284399665GL Thanks!
Please add 29289328LG – thanks!
28554834DA I will always light your torches daily!!! Please add me!!!
I should be active for a while, and I’ll always reciprocate torch-lighting. Add me please? 18813912LG
26903408CA—- add me! Not very experienced to the game but am a big fan already! Not a false player and love to see other friends islands!! P.S. I go by NOOB. Sincerely NOOB of 2015 ( cause its more fun that way!)
Oh and thank you so much @msmfan for doing this entire website, it helps alot! l got started a couple months ago and along the way I added alot of friends who never returned the favor( I lit one of them 24 times they lit 0). Hope this website is still operating and long live MSM!!
Please add me! 21869604ke
15713373NJ Daily Player
added you 🙂
I play all the time and always looking for torches to light 🙂 28915842MC
27700725HF. AD ME!
Add: 29144488AI
Myn 26834728JC
Thank you for the codes and the free diamonds. I’m a daily player. Please use my code.18463902FI
Please add me: 28433035HL. I light torches!
28166910NI – thank you!
light torches 3 times a day 28208680cm
29676137GL Please add me I’ll light your torches!
26354701FB. Add me, I will light your torches daily.
My friend code 28554585DF
27583412im Please add, will light torches daily. Thanks
Add me please my 26834728JC come on add me youll get five free diamonds ill ligt your torches like your islands so plz add me
please add me 6446216GA
add me please freind code
You need to write your own friend code if you want people to add you 😉
My friend code: 29440438gk.
Please add me to your list.
My singing monsters are awesome. I am five and a half. My mom and I play every day. Please add me. 29718223GF
Add me! 26773972ME
I light torches daily and it’s appreciated when you light mine 🙂 My code is 29550319DL !
30185728NK I light torches and like islands several times daily
Add and my 42724518IC
i light torches too 23781439if
I lite 4 lite daily. Looking ONLY for friends who’ll do the same.
24115484AE… I DO light torches. Thanks so much!!
Add me please i play everyday i light torches everyday and like islands , 27414181nj and 29060454LM
28163812B let’s be friendz
Add me please 30659246ni
I would love you to add me. 30658865ID. Very active account. I light and like every day
Newbie and obseesed. I light toches and like islands. Please add me 27207856HC. Thank you
One more for the list – 11370196DG
im on a couple of times a day and light all available torches my friend code is 22978682MK
My friend code is 23330700AE. I’m fairly new to this only on level 14 but will light your torches daily!!!
21622600dk Add me to your friends list. Light torches daily. Thanks
Torches lit daily…
25517397LF add me, I’ll add you, and we can earn diamond together!
28240125NJ add me, I light torches every day.
add me and reply with your codes and I will send a add back
31275791NL is my code i will light your torches daily please help me to.
New but frequent user! 🙂
Thanks for the site!
31149166GK – myriadyoungthings
Please add me; daily player – will light torches on your islands ;-D Please light mine too if you get a chance, thanks, friend code is 31149166GK (can also be used for referral prize)
Please add 30705391KF
Add me I’m on most of the time. I light torches n like islands. 30241067KF
Add me please, 31179567JD. I light torches, too, 😊
Hiya! My friend code is: 26649496NK
22553165LN add me please 🙂
I will light your torches daily. If
Your torches are already lit up then I will like your islands. Join my tribe kimber 🙂
i light torches and like every island plz add and like and light torches too! also join my tribal island <3 18200877LB
thank you so much I'm lvl 22 unlocked all islands 😉
🎵 Hello MSM community!!👋🏽😊 Please add me! 19550594DA
oh and join ohanas tribe. Her friend code is 20222743MB Thank you!! 👍🏼💃🏽🎉🎶😋
31492221HN please add me:)
Please add me 23872815LL
Add me. I light torches daily 17441885ed
Hi! I’m looking for some monster friends! Please add me and check out my islands 🙂 My friend code is: 23082966IC. Thanks!
Fluffy Unicorn 875
31452451IB I will be active and help you out.
28003429AD add me and join my tribe
Add me
31043058GC Feel free to add me!!
Hi guys my code is 30713610AC , play every day!
My friend codes are 7699082EK (level 27) and 13042334KC (level 18). Add me, like my islands, and light my torches and I’ll do the same! Also join my tribal island if you don’t have one 🙂 Thanks
Add me please, I need people in my tribe! 31206696CM
30419950BE, that’s mine! Please friend!😄😄😄
my friend code 20613504EI, add me and light my torches…i will do the same with yours!:D:D:D:D
level 51 and please join my tribe!!!
Please add me! 🙂 I light torches! Please light mine! Friend code: 28094708LG
I will light your torches!!! My friend number is: 25259956IE
Melody – that’s an apt name for this game! I invited you to my Tribal Island. Please join the team! We want to melt the diva to free her to sing. Name is Atlantica on MSM.
I light torches daily! (and when I light, I like!) 29403018FE add me 🙂
This game is addictive!!!! Please add me 🙂
Friend Code is 30514909FN
I promise to “like” your islands and help light torches. I’m a team player 🙂 All I ask is that you help light my torches too.
Guys just so you nlknow im adding all the codes on the list so if yoy a random add by a new player its me
add me please and light my torches code 29944361MD
Queria saber antes de colocar o Codigo, se o codigo é possivel uma vez apenas ou varias vezes?
Referral codes can only be entered once. Friends (friend codes) can be added, removed, added, etc as much as you like 🙂
Thanks for the assist!!👍 This game is awesome!!
Please add: 32028226GK
Hi everyone! Please add me as a friend. I light daily and like every island that I really do like. Also, join my tribe! You’re welcome to make lovely music and rock out together on Tribal Island.
See you there!
I light torches daily! add me please 🙂 28643947gf
add me please 31924134IC thanks 🙂
Add me 30506885BF
torch-lighter. Please add me 🙂
29874226KC add me please 🙂
I will light your torches daily.
Please add us thank you 27486059ND
Add my and my kids accounts please. 27625535jh and 29438260dg Request to join our tribe too please. Thanks
Add me??? Ahh go on!! Lite torches n’ like isles everyday. . . . 27497658MK
I light torches everyday!!
Add me! I play every day. I’ll light your torches, will you light mine? Friend code 26744480AK. Tnx!
Add me! I play every day. I’ll light your torches, will you light mine? Friend code 26744480KA. Tnx!
add me please 296693225ch thanks
Me too, please. I’ll light your torches! 30903805DB
Join our tribal 4 diamonds week also we need more people my friend code is 11035710BA the tribe is ‘ Emma’
33185203MB – newbie, please add me : )
I will like all and light any torches add me 32642179AF
Looking for friends who light torches often. I do my rounds every day!!
Newbie, so I’m addicted and playing several hours a day! I light and like often. Please add me. My code is 32622908GM. Thanks!
20719681DF, Add me, please! I’m level 31 and counting 😀 Daily player and torch lighter!
Hi Stacy, I too lite every day…every other hour 🙂
I give people 3 times of me lighting & nothing back…then POOF, they are gonja! Happy Monster Breeding <3
My code: 31534172NG
Ever get the singing monsters song stuck in your head for days at a time?
Add me 28788341CL 😄
Yes every day xD lol
25336891FD add me ☺️
Would love to be added to the list of friends. Boy, this game is addictive! Will be happy to light torches. Thanks so much!
Friend Code: 33067439JD
Daily player who lights torches. Please add me 27351675NL
Please add my wife’s code 27326357BB
She also plays daily and lights torches.
Thanks if you haven’t joined a tribe, we’d love to have you.
Tribe name tx hill country
33374642JA Dance with me 🙂
Could really use some help. Thanks all! Please feel free to add me 30620117NF
Friend Code 32090816CI
I light torches every day, feel free to add me 32634954HI
Daily player who lights torches. Please add me 29576434mk
Add me please. I light torches. 24973383FL
I understand the importance of lighting torches.
Very active player 33178712IA
Thank you in advance for adding me.
my friend code is 33363464EE and my sister´s is 30803266KC
My six year old son and I love playing this game and can’t wait for Dawn of Fire! We play every day and light torches. Please add us as friends. My code is 32484310AG and my sons is 32251890AK. Thank you!
Active player, I light torches daily
30793652CE i will light your torches daily, plz light mine too !!
31428443CJ please add me!
Add Me!!! 32309362HE
31694988EM and 31729783BL Please add us and light our torches. Thanks x
If you can refer my boy age 7 in options that would be great. You and he will get 5 diamonds. Getting a 7 year old to save 20 to upgrade his castle is not easy. Thanks 31729783BL is his code.
Could use more friends!
30304524BG, will light your torches every day!!!
Hello… please add me as your friend… I’m 33147523CF active player… so we can light each other torches !
Please add me I will always light your torches if you light mine:) Friend Code: 3341985mF
says no user was found for that code…
feel free to add me I light torches several times a day, but I also delete inactive players (people who don’t light torches)
and you can also come to my tribe !
Like many other, I light random torches everyday. i appreciate anyone who lights mine as well.
Friend Code: 23631851EN
Hi, Please add me as a friend. 13503917MH
Daily player and torch lighter. 27394906DA
I light and like my Friends every single day, I promise, lol, I’m hooked on the game!! Add me, and like one of my four gorgeous islands I designed, water, air, plnt and cold. I constantly fine tune these 4 absolute jewels. Ferocious Feline here-30806293ih. Please, thank you, and luvu!
My code is 33123869JB add me
My code is 31427957ML and I light daily!
Add me and my nephews, we light torches every day.
Please add me, my code is 30030342EK
Please Add Me, I play Daily 20994863bl
Thank you for the code. Happy breeding!
Please add me too 🙂 33618384AI
I hope people will add you. Thank you for the code!
my friend code is 22978682MK. im on a few times a day and light all available torches each time. non lighters will be removed
I hope you find some “lighters” 🙂 Happy breeding and thank you for the code!
Hi, I love my monsters and I light torches! 24973383FL
Lighting torches and loving monsters is a great way to meet new friends in MSM. Thank you for adding your code!
Plz add me. I play daily and light friend torches!!!
Friend code is 27394906DA
Please add me 30905906BM
Please add me I light torches daily 32977730NI
33561158fe….please and thank you
31065030 HM
Pls light up my torch. I will light up yours
Let’s enlighten each other’s islands 😉
Gotcha…..l will light every chance I can
Add me 33236566GK i light every day!
Mike Rochelle added. Please add me and light my torch when you can:) 33689292IA. Thanks!
Please add me, i play everyday.
My code is
I will keep you warm with fire in your torches… 34303177ED
I am a daily player! Any friend requests are welcome!
My friend code is: 33627358JI
Many thanks!
My code is 28749502GG
Add please.
Thank you for the code. Happy gaming!
Hello I’m Junior
ADD: 29234833FN
Hi Junior. Thank you for adding your code. I hope you’ll find many new friends 😉
New , please add me as friends, Daily Check for lights: #. 33420306FM
I hope people will light your torches. Welcome to the MSM family 🙂
Add me
Always nice to see a new friend code. Thank you!
My Friend Code is 34539250EC always on everyday I can
I love making new friends and helping everyone I can out!
Thank you for adding your code! Enjoy playing 😉
25120336KM add me i play everyday and i light toorches
I light torches multiple times per day. 33859250AG
my code is 34828492DK I need some friends!
I am a daily player! Any friend requests are welcome!
My friend code is: 33627358JI
My friend code is: 33880795CJ
Thank you!
I play 24/7! I will light your torches, like all your islands… ADD ME! I’m a great friend 🙂 23214761DF
Please use my friend code /referral code I light torches daily 17439999GF
Hi everyone! I’m a torch lighter and a liker so here is my friend code! Add me if you’d like! 32919188GE Thanks for all the codes!
Hi 🙂
mine is 33107335KB
My code is 34635586MK. Add me and I’ll light your torches and like everyday!
35267374FI Tks!
Please add me! Light for light! 31748400NG
Hi, Light for Light. Indeed! My code is 35195911KB
I light torches every day.
Please add me i have a tribe and i need help my friend code is 33125509JJ
Hi friends
I’m new to the game plz add me ZFX1RSTA
I don’t know how to add ppl every time i put in a code it says invalid so add me plz ZFX1RSTA
I’m new loving the game 35479682JA
You can add me@ 34618577EH
My code is 25469462ic
My code is 28402056nc
Add me 31207016CE
Hi MSMfan,
Please add me to your friends list. I will add you to mine. Also, thanks a lot for all the great Singing Monsters info on your site.
My friend code is: 35091026EG
My wife and I play daily our friend codes are with mine first: 29726034LI, 31141902LE. We light torches for those who light ours, and we do put in the likes on islands that are in use.
Thank You and Good Luck n just plain have fun
Add me!!!!! 31414263FD
Hi @MSMfan,
Please add me to your friend list. I’ve already added you to mine.
34089367KJ add me please and thank you
Add me 34833719IJ
Please add me 34588015BH
I’m new to the game, and don’t have any torches yet, but play several times a day and will light.
18635740FC….I light torches everyday
Add me please 35827367IB
Add me please. 34442100AA
Looking for seasoned active players to join my tribe, Hatari. 22560991an and/or 13998959mb. Please friend me and join. Also am faithful lighter and will like islands.
I just sent a request to join. Level 47 full ethereal island, my goal is first page of top tribes.31679548lg.
Add me please 30849668MM
Please add me – I’m a ‘lighter’
Broken Biro Balladz
Hello fellow SM players,
Please add me–I get on several times a day and am a lighter and liker–Please do the same for me. Thank you!
Add me for free lighting and free likes!
Thank you
Please turn on my torch
I also illuminate their
thank you
por favor acenda minhas tochas
eu também acenderei as suas
please add me,on daily, 34081493LN
Join my tribe cause i need people
please rate my islands!
27076023KB – I’m missdreamweaver <3 lets be friends!
Add me 333934486da I light torches.
Please add me: 22985487LH
34266084HK, I light and light everyday.
Add me I play daily 🙂
Add me ) 33302932BG. Thanks!!!!!
Looking for friends to light candles!!! 27932539GN
Hiiii! 🙂 You can add me too! 34973575JH
I’ve also added some of you now and lit your torches.
Thanks! ^_^
Hey all! I have been playing MSM for a while, but I don’t really have very many friends there. I’m breeding for ethereals right now, so I really need some torch lighters. I’d be more than happy to return the favor!
add me always lighting torches 35859974HM
I light back
3447740IA / 34103297HJ
Add me pls 7264641GD 🙂
Add me 🙂
Please add me and my friends!
We love the game and light torches!
Please add my Code:
I will light your torch DAILY
Please add: 35954583DH
Please add me too!!! I light torches & like every island I see. 34825744AI
My Friend code is 36178714AG.
I will gladly light torches and like islands!
Play daily and light torches!
Autistic granddaughter loves this game. please help her!!!
Tyvm! 🙂
I’m on level 21 please add me and I will light your torches daily and like your islands daily also. My ID is 34858970kk.
22033411NL please add, I light torches everyday.. You light mine I light yours, we all want our monsters so get adding
add me plz, will light daily
Addme for free touches.my code
add me.. i light torches daily
35069373BF please add me, ill light all the torches and im on many times a day! havent got many friends yet 🙁 i need more!
Light torches and like every day, please add: 33207232CI (capital I not lowercase L) Thank you!
I light torches daily~ 37292599NL
I light and like daily, please add me. 30726348MI
Changing my name to Singing Torch Lighter :0) ..add a friendly friend code: 23773521DB
Hi my code is 31299912KA
Add 😀 37181526EC
Plz put in my friend code!I also have an amazing tribe,I light torches every day!My BBB ID is 19206666BM!
I’m a daily player and will lite torches for all friends every day.
I want to be your friend on my singing monsters.
36922666GC. I need friends on this.
Hey guys my friend code is 36375671kf ..I always light torches back, join my island while your at it we’ll grow together 🙂
Please add me. Trying to get more friends. Will like and light torches:). friend code is 37728670FA. Thank you!!!
friend code 6401769NF ….will light torches ( :
i will give you fire
MY Friend code 32635537DJ I will gladly light torches and like islands
My grandson introduced me to this game, Love it! My code is 30957364BC will light torches and need friends, thanks
Please add me for free likes and lights 36735405MH
Add me. I light up daily. 😀
Please add -36948059HL-
I will always like & LIGHT!!
Add me 👍😄 29514559EJ
37718350CG please join my tribe if you are a fan of tokio hotel even if you’re not you can still join.
Hi! Looking for friends!
34593203DL =]
my friend code – 38682929JN
Feel free to add me
38525384MI I light torches
Add me for free lighting and free likes. I’m not very far along in the game but I’m addicted. My code is 37322273FB. Thanks!
Please add me. I light torches everyday. My code is 37273958LE Thanks!
Daily activer player, will light torches every day!
Please join my tribe, the PowerStars!
Code is 32910625MD
Please add me. Will light and like. Thank you in advance!
Please add me I light torches daily, you light mine I light yours x
22033411NL please need new friends too xx
Add me please
38636211KN… Add me, and looking for a tribe. Thanks!
I can help you. Please add
Please add me 36920296GA
I keep adding my friend code, but it doesn’t show up. Hopefully someone is still reading this thread! I’m level 19 & play every day. U light line & I’ll light urs. 😃
Hi. Please add me – 10957294CG
23336279BL add me
I’m new to the game, and don’t have any torches yet, but play several times a day and will light.
my code is
Will light torches if you light mine: and free likes!
Will light torches for my torches, and likes if you want!!!!!
Add me and invite me to your tribe if at lol 1500 I will rematch lol 100 at least every week and I light torches every day
Add me 38920914AC. I play daily. Light torches. Join my tribe if you want.
I am in need of torch lighting friends. 36335774IK I light and like daily! We also have a new tribe to join!
Please Add Me.
Add me if you’d like, 6643473NJ
Hi there all..I am fairly new to My singing monsters. Please add me. I need friends 🙂 My friend code is 38660652GI thank you!
We’re addicted! Add us please 🙂
38390266KG and 39716813LF
39314210KG hehehe add and i will light ! xD
Just started playing, I need friends feel free to add me.
Me too! I really like it, though. My code’s 40385734EC. I’ll add you. Add me!
Add me 32303742BI
Add me please 39515597BB
please join my tribe 5036392JC
Add 37883961JF
add ya. mines 40058083KB
add 39097975bh
Friend Code!
35899850HA. I light torches every day. Add me so we can help each other out. Also join our new tribal island (Monster Crew) if you don’t have one. Please feed your monster to at least a level 5 each week. From small acorns!
My code is 3016117MD. I light torches as much as possible. But please light mine to!🦄🎉🦄
Me add 39842918BM
Please add my friend code… ALWAYS light torches
27001919LH Thanks
my friend code is 38990969JF
My friend code: 26320537NN
Please add me, thanks!
Please add me. Light my torche and i will like and light back! 🙂 39475268KA thanks al ready.
39483948MA Add me please!!!
Add 33978633BF
Add 39458570IC
Please add me 38305293LN. I ALWAYS light torches daily (morning/afternoon/evening/night/midnight), you light mines then I light yours. Thank you in advance!!
Add me pls 38326806DA
We play all the time! 40155439ib and 39671065eh
Please add 40069542LI and 39306609CD. Have fun 🙂
Add me please. 39609947DD. I light torches
Add Please 38954771cb
Please add me! This site has been a lifesaver 🙂
I just started… But my code is 40385734EC.
I’ll be happy to light wish torches. I pop on a few times daily.
Add me please 37985322EC, i torch every day
I will light torches if you light mine 14322465LF
Add us! 40344164EA and 40348034GK. WE’ll light and like!!
Please add 39939577MD thanks
ADD ^__^ 39518632FK thank you
Please add me 36902500JG! I light torches daily! I am on multiple times a day 🙂
Please add 40425280KA
Please add me, I need friends to light torches, I play daily almost every hour and will like and light your islands/torches..
Hello Donna, No problem. My screennames are CresendoV and Vopportunites and my codes are 34416054DE and 33538570IJ. I need a tribe for Vopportunites… any suggestions? Play on and enjoy!
Add me please I will light torches my code is 39263135EB
Guys please add me! 😀
I will light everyone’s torches!
Will light torches if you light mine, I’ll do it daily, add 18737841HF
Please add. 40704555.
add me, my code is31741744FK
Please add us, we light and like daily, 2982600LG and 5853264HC
Please add me, I light torches and like all islands several times a day. Thanks for this wonderful site, it has helped me get as far as I have with the game!
I hope your screen name is Sammy O Jr. because that is the only new name that was added to my screen when I added you a few minutes ago. There was much to like about your so Islands so I did just that. Sorry could not lite any torches for some reason the game would not let me this time. I will try again later. I would appreciate your help with likes and torches as well. Been trying for that cute Blabbit on Water Island for quite some time now and I need some help with torches. My screennames are CresendoV and Vopportunites and my codes are 34416054DE and 33538570IJ. Play on and enjoy!
38676733NJ Add Me For Lights And Likes.
plz enter my friend code, I’m on daily, just starting out but have 10 torches that need lighting & ill light torches & like islands daily… add 40433385ID
38111853HF and 38083757JN – Me (Kellerwoman) and my daughter (Aurinko) – we will light your torches and like your island every day, if you will do it for us 🙂 Like for like , everybody is welcome 🙂
Hello, I just added you a little while ago per your request and really liked what I saw. Loved the Shug on Aurinko’s Island but did not find any torches there to lite yet.. I liked islands for you both and lit a torch when I found one for you Kellerwoman. Play on and enjoy.
Plz add me my code is 40077708BK I am on almost every day
406186613AH – Tks! I Like and light as often as I can! 🙂 Please return the favor.
Hi don’t hesitate to add me
I light torches every day
we will light your torchs if you light ours 33803774IC and 35712446NA thanks in advance
oh please join our tribe
Please ADD :37561258LA
RICARDO my friend code 36950048C1
Your friend code is wrong, Ricardo. That last digit is a capital I “i”
Please add 40471563DD
Please add me – my code is 35760374KK
I will light and like
Please add: 33002816MA
Please add 38158563AB
My BBB ID is 27226371IJ. Thanks 🙂
My friend code is:
Hello!! New player here who spends way too much time playing instead of working 🙂 I love lighting torches and liking islands!! Let’s be buds. Add 40127823JL
I hope your screen name is Dragonfire.Juliet. I just added you a little while ago but did not see your name as a new listing on my screen. I loved your air island hearts so I voted a like for you there and on the other islands too.. Would have it a torch for you as well, but all were lit.already.. Play on and enjoy!.
Vopportunities and Cresendov 34416054DE & 33538570JI
Playing as of February 2016 i love to light torches, give likes, and help any other way. My code is 2878840HK
Please add us! We light and like daily! Thank you!
Hello Doug and Diane,
I just added you both a little while ago per your request
There was much to love about both of your island sets so I just had to like every island and lite an available unlit torch. I just added you a little while ago per your request. I am trying to get started up in the game fast over here in my camp and need some help with getting more room for monsters on the water island and setting up the Ethereal one. Any help you could provide would be appreciated. Play on and enjoy!.
Vopportunities and Cresendov 34416054DE & 33538570JI
Daily player and lighter!!! Please add!!!
Torches for Torches. 40197251CF
Feel free to add me, always light wishing torches if lighted back
fc: 38180051NH
Need a good tribe I can lv my monster 35-40+ my code is 15729437HF
38165212CE many thanks ;0)
Will like and light torches daily 🙂
FC: 38180051nh
I need friends who will help light torches. I light them several times per day. 40692529FF
I can use some Monster friends!!! Thank you 34527216MM
I could sure use some torch lighting friends! I light and like daily, please add
Please add
New and already addicted. Light torches daily.
Please add me. 41366007IJ
Thank you.
Feel free to add me 😀 online everyday
Cod: 35916474GK
41027675IF daily playa
Hi! This is my friend code, I try to turn on the torch everyday!
We’ve got no friends! We’re friendly folk!
I would Love it if you add me on the list!
My friend code is 39056318DA. I would happily accept you as my friend and when you light my torch I shall light yours. Lets make our monsters better together. If you are wondering i have my youtube video so you might get on to my show. Befriend me and I shall give you a shout out.
Hello, I am here from my own youtube channel. If you want to have your name read out and wanna win prizes all you have to is light my torch daily for a month. Within doing this I shall light your torches. Please add me as a friend using the code 39057476CM to have fun throughout this magical game.
Please add me. I light touches and like.
Please add me 41704772NC… Thank you!
please add me.. will visit and light torches
friend code: 41889753HF
Please add me
I just added you a little while ago per your request and I lit a torch for you as well. Put a torch on Water island too if you can. Play on and enjoy!.
Vopportunities and Cresendov 34416054DE & 33538570JI
Please add 41625671IF I Light and like!!
I just added and liked an island for you a little while ago per your request and I will lite a torch for you as well when you have one unlit. Put a torch on Water island too if you can. Play on and enjoy!.
Vopportunities and Cresendov 34416054DE & 33538570JI
I just added you a little while ago per your request and I lit a torch for you as well. Play on and enjoy!.
Vopportunities and Cresendov 34416054DE & 33538570JI
Add me !!
I just added you a little while ago per your request and I lit a torch for you as well. Play on and enjoy!.
Vopportunities and Cresendov 34416054DE & 33538570JI
Add me, 39177579JH. Addicted player.
I just added you a little while ago per your request and I lit a torch for you as well. Play on and enjoy!.
Vopportunities and Cresendov 34416054DE & 33538570JI
We light and like daily! Please add us:
I just added you a little while ago per your request and I lit a torch for you as well. Play on and enjoy!.
Vopportunities and Cresendov 34416054DE & 33538570JI
Please add me I will like whatever island I light torch on please like and light my torches too
My friend code: 38999179GB
Hi guys. please do add me 42218306KC. dont worry about your torch. i will and always light it for you everyday. Like is a must. add me up 🙂
Please add me as well: 40206707MB
Please add us! We like and light daily! Always on:
I light torches daily.Thank you for lighting mine.
CODE 40238446BM
Just getting the hang of this, playing constantly! Add me 42251762FA
Hi there! My name is Jaimy and I am 8 years old, my friendscode is 42394572CM and my mom is 35609410EC. Add us please. Thank you.
Please light and like! 🙂 will return the favour!
Please add 41046587nl. Join my tribe. I light and like daily. Thank you
Daily Player.
You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours.
Please add me and join my tribe,also if u want a friend add me on Facebook.my Facebook name=Ronan ward *look for a picture with a guy(me) in a nike jumper.my friend code=41901659KB
Daily Players, Please add us.
Roses are red, violets are blue
I’ll light your torches
Please be my friend too. 😀
Code: 41668563LD
DaiReaver – March 2016, actively playing.
i light torches every day. Please add and return the favour.
Please add me. I light torches several times a day!
40560943GF. Screen name:
Please add me! I light and like daily
HELLO ad me plz my code is: 38291110MC thanks
I just added you a little while ago per your request and I lit a torch for you as well. Play on and enjoy!.
Vopportunities and Cresendov 34416054DE & 33538570JI
Thank you
Please add me! Light for light! peace and love 38318132fk
Please add me 41511432DC. I light torches for friends every day!
Pretty new at the game, needing friends. 🙂
Friend code is 42372197GH
Please add me! I play and light daily! Friend code is 40632521ID
Screen name is QuinnWalker
I will add you back as a friend and light /like daily! Thanks
Hi All, I’m playing on my PC, so I don’t see a place to go to friends islands or add friends? It just says go to random islands, or go to top islands…I am happy to light torches and like islands daily. My number is 358587KN. Could someone tell me please how to add friends, or is it only on the android version ( phones or tablets) that you can do so? Thanks and happy singing!
Friends are only found on mobile/tablet (Android & iOS).
Thanks. I have now found a way! I installed BlueStacks, and now play the android game on my PC! Yay!
Win! 🙂
me adicionem este e meu codigo de amigo 42414760CM
Looking for good tribe members. Looking for players willing to play up to a level 20 or more on tribal island using shards to feed. Please join. Find my tribe at dedengine13
What’s your friend code?
Please add me, need some torch lighters and active friends! I play daily!
Oh, I forgot…my code is: 41167237CD. My Mom’s code is: 32308366IK. Thanks!
Hey guys. I’m a level 16 player (so I’m fairly new) with over 2 million coins to feed tribal monsters……the only problem is, I can’t get into one!
I desperately need it at about level 300 or above because I’m saving up for a rare monster. Please invite me into your tribe if this sounds like your island!
My friend code is 39057476CM.
I also light torches daily.
Hey! I will light torches everyday!
Thank you!
I added like almost everyone new on this list. I play every day and i light torches each day. Please light back so we both win.. Thanks…
40753367KJ. LETS light the world’s up!!
We light daily!
We all like and light daily and have started a tribe that’s accepting new monsters if you are looking!
Add me on My Singing Monsters, I would greatly appreciate it
I light torches daily, as I respectfully request the same.
new player with no friends! play daily!!!! 42967275JL
19272867GN thanks!
What a long list, awesome! I have 2 friend codes.
42978280EI (last letter is i) &
* ACTIVE PLAYERS DAILY! 38941032BC and 38982373DF – Light our torches and we light yours! (POSTED 12-04-2016)
Thanks for this great service for all who love the game. My friend code is 23456563KJ. I try to light torches and like daily. Cheers!
We light torches daily.
Hi I play 3 accounts, play daily many times, lights torches if you do the same: 3 codes: (Me X 3-1: 41700543iF) (Me X 3-2: 42064584Gi) (Me X 3-3: 42701166AC)
Friend code 35034336KE
38528659jl My tribe is called The Lost Boys. Add me, join, and sing forever… But you must feed… your monster.
Friend code 31306789JF I light torches and like islands. Please add me.
Please add me too!
Thank you!
22063252KE Add me, will light torches and like islands : )
Please add THX
Hi! I’ve been playing My Singing Monsters with my 4 year old son and we love it! We are looking for friends, we lite and like a lot, as he loves looking at the other islands! Ours are not too fat yet, we haven’t had lucky breeding an ethereal but we are trying. Please add us 26694700NC
We added you!
Vaughn (1 Batman) – age 5
43082905BN I like all of my friends islands every day like mine in return also join my tribe if possible
Leanne, I added you. Add me 41293901LN
HI – I’m 5 and looking for new player friends so I can light their torches. 😊
please…. before I’m taken over by the monsters….
Hi please add me would be really really helpful –
I added you. Add me 41293901LN
Hi my friend code is 32716827GF. I’m a good friend to have. I try to light torches everyday. On April 29 2016 in level 17 and I have a 3 person tribe so far so you can join that. Thanks to everyone that adds me!
Ps. My gamer tag is Yoshi.
Hey I added you
I added you. Add me 41293901LN
Heyo! My friend code is: 11463780FK Add me if you want. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
… *Ahem* Let me rephrase that… Please, please please add me!
I can’t suffer this loneliness anymore! I’m slowly losing a bit of my sanity every day, People call me crazy for talking to myself and spending all my irl money to buy torches. Guess what? I dunn care anymore!
Actually, No.. I do care, I love you <3 Ha.. Muahahaa!
Remember.. 11463780FK
Please add me! I light and like islands daily! 40632521ID
Dani, Quinn and Rob
I have not been able to visit to light torches, when I try I get the message “You must uodate msm to view this island.”
I click on update, that takes me to google play where my only option is to uninstall and reinstall. I’ve done this a couple times but it’s not fixed it. I’m working on fixing it, please have patience while we do.
38521355KN 🙂
My friend code for my singing monsters is 41293901LN
Light my torches and i will light yours!
Please add me for island likes and torch lighting!
42162243EJ add me too.
We like & light daily. 2095599BH, 42185835FD, 42103569FS
This is my friend code: 43360958CC
Need to add some friends! 🙂 please add me! My code is
Dani, Quinn and Rob
I have not been able to visit to light torches, when I try I get the message “You must uodate msm to view this island.”
I click on update, that takes me to google play where my only option is to uninstall and reinstall. I’ve done this a couple times but it’s not fixed it. I’m working on fixing it, please have patience while we do.
42818580IA – 🙂
Chopsticks is one of the reasons the Chinese never invented custard
40942242MG – please add
Please add me – 40893559JH – I will light your torches and like your islands!
43134770na help me pls
Please add me 43133461GH. I will lit your torches everyday and like your Islands. Thanks
Hi my code is 415596393KH please add me to your list!
42781125HB and 22909917JB we light a few times a day. ok let me rephrase that, I light bout 3 times a day then light my daughters in the evening when she pulls that soppy face saying muuuuuum will you light my torches??? ok babe yeah course i will. . . . . 25 PAGES!!!!!!!! uggggh. x
Mine is 43744331NL. Light and like.
Mine is 43744051DL.
Hello 😉 My code is: 43588227AJ. I am a daily player, add me if you want more friends!
Feel free to add me! Playing every day. Will light torches and like.